MS noma · @nomab
42 followers · 1271 posts · Server

Danke, wirklich eine hervorragend gemachte, zusammengestellte Sendung. Tolle Ansatzweise. Was Du auch sagst mit den Personen, auch da bricht es mit vielen Klischees, was auch Vorurteile betrifft, wie manche Personys sein "müssen", damit es in die binäre Schublade passt.

Danke für den Link, hat ein Lesezeichen bekommen.

#transgender #genderfree #gendernormierung #genderschubladen #entgendern

Last updated 1 year ago

We should make because it's not fair that trans people need to pay for hormone treatments and surgeries to feel at home in our bodies while cis people enjoy that luxury at no cost. Capitalism is bad. Gender should be free.


Last updated 2 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
195 followers · 3346 posts · Server

> .. the original Chines.. could equally well be taken to refer to a woman. solves this ambiguity admirably by keeping her translation .
Unlike and , the other two classics of the philosophical (non-shamanic) school of , contains no names, places or dates. It scarcely mentions objects or living things. It recounts no.. conversations, tells no stories, and refers to no other books.
on ?

#thinking #hannaharendt #laotzu #taoism #LiehTzu #chuangtzu #genderfree #ursulakleguin

Last updated 2 years ago

Milo · @Nonbinussy
161 followers · 1213 posts · Server