Mark your calendar for July 27!
Rev. Grubaugh-Thomas & Father Jerry will be exploring the intersections of #Nonviolence and #GenderJustice. Join us & gain strategies for change.
Scholarships available. More info: #FaithBasedAction #SocialJustice
#nonviolence #genderjustice #faithbasedaction #socialjustice
Join us for a transformative #Nonviolence & #GenderJustice workshop with Rev. Grubaugh-Thomas & Father Jerry, July 27, 5pm PST. Equip yourself with practical tools for change in our diverse world. Scholarships available. Sign up now: #FaithBasedAction #SocialJustice
#nonviolence #genderjustice #faithbasedaction #socialjustice
LWF marks the 10th anniversary of its #GenderJustice Policy on 17 June, kicking off six months of celebration and discussion about ways of ensuring implementation of its principles in all member churches
Today is #LGBTQEqualPay Awareness Day 🏳️🌈
On this day, our partners across the country join forces to:
-challenge a system that devalues our labor
-discriminates against our identities
-denies us the economic security we deserve
Together, we strive for a future where our contributions, regardless of gender identity, sex characteristics, or sexual orientation, are valued equally.
Learn more here!
#LGBTQ #PrideMonth #Pride #EqualPay #GenderJustice #EconomicJustice #WageJustice
#lgbtqequalpay #lgbtq #pridemonth #pride #EqualPay #genderjustice #economicjustice #wagejustice
Muna Alhammadi from Yemen demands full involvement of youth, climate education for all and institutional capacity building, financial support and more flexibility from donors. #MENAWGC #AfricaWGC #BonnClimateConference #SB58 #ClimateChange #JustTransition #ClimateAction #GenderJustice #FeministClimateJustice #ClimateJustice #Feminist #TimeForAction #ActOnTheGap #MissingVoicesCop #ActNow
#menawgc #africawgc #BonnClimateConference #sb58 #ClimateChange #justtransition #ClimateAction #genderjustice #FeministClimateJustice #ClimateJustice #feminist #timeforaction #ActontheGAP #missingvoicescop #ActNow
Fatema Khafagy from Egypt points out how space for civil society is shrinking and how Arab women are facing double challenges such as climate injustice and gender injustice but most not be seen as victims only. „Justice cannot be achieved if it ignores more than half of the population!“ #BonnClimateConference #SB58 #ClimateChange #JustTransition #ClimateAction #GenderJustice #FeministClimateJustice #ClimateJustice #Feminist #TimeForAction #ActOnTheGap #MissingVoicesCop #ActNow
#BonnClimateConference #sb58 #ClimateChange #justtransition #ClimateAction #genderjustice #FeministClimateJustice #ClimateJustice #feminist #timeforaction #ActontheGAP #missingvoicescop #ActNow
En este episodio Gabriela Ruales y Melissa Moreano del Colectivo de Geografía Crítica del Ecuador conversamos sobre la necesidad de identificar con claridad las causas de la crisis climática
para evitar caer en falsas soluciones y luchar por la verdadera solución: transformar el sistema de producción y consumo capitalista imperante, sostenido en estructuras patriarcales y en un patrón de poder colonial racista.
In this episode in spanish, Gabriela Ruales and NwU! member Melissa Moreano from the Colectivo de Geografía Crítica del Ecuador talk about the need to identify the causes of the climate crisis in order to avoid falling into false solutions and to fight for the true solution: to transform the prevailing capitalist production and consumption system, sustained in
patriarchal structures and in a pattern of racist colonial power.
@rosaluxglobal @rosaluxglobal
#BonnClimateConference #SB58 #ClimateChange #JustTransition #ClimateAction #GenderJustice #FeministClimateJustice #ClimateJustice #Feminist #TimeForAction #ActOnTheGap #MissingVoicesCop #ActNow #NotWithoutUs
#BonnClimateConference #sb58 #ClimateChange #justtransition #ClimateAction #genderjustice #FeministClimateJustice #ClimateJustice #feminist #timeforaction #ActontheGAP #missingvoicescop #ActNow #notwithoutus
You asked the #NotWithoutUs! team how they prepared for Bonn. Babitha PS shares her experience.
#BonnClimateConference #SB58 #ClimateChange #JustTransition #ClimateAction #GenderJustice #FeministClimateJustice #ClimateJustice #Feminist #TimeForAction #ActOnTheGap #MissingVoicesCop #ActNow #NotWithoutUs
#notwithoutus #BonnClimateConference #sb58 #ClimateChange #justtransition #ClimateAction #genderjustice #FeministClimateJustice #ClimateJustice #feminist #timeforaction #ActontheGAP #missingvoicescop #ActNow
#BonnClimateConference week one is coming to an end with countries from the Global North as usual pushing for #dangerousdistractions and #falsesolutions. Listen to @Melissa Moreano from the @Critical Geography Collective of Ecuador and @Ivonne Yànez from @Accion Ecoloògica talk about what we call #falsesolutions to the climate crisis. #FeministClimateJustice
#BonnClimateConference #SB58 #ClimateChange #JustTransition #ClimateAction #GenderJustice #FeministClimateJustice #ClimateJustice #Feminist #TimeForAction #ActOnTheGap #MissingVoicesCop #ActNow #NotWithoutUs
#BonnClimateConference #dangerousdistractions #FALSESOLUTIONS #FeministClimateJustice #sb58 #ClimateChange #justtransition #ClimateAction #genderjustice #ClimateJustice #feminist #timeforaction #ActontheGAP #missingvoicescop #ActNow #notwithoutus
📣At #BonnClimateConference #SB58 30% of participants are below the age of 30 years!
Youth in climate action is vital, because they will have to live on a hot planet. Yesterday the #YouthStocktake had a critical look at challenges for youth inclusion in #UNFCCC.
Read our article about inclusive environmental education in India #YouthforClimate #FeministClimateJustice
#BonnClimateConference #SB58 #ClimateChange #JustTransition #ClimateAction #GenderJustice #FeministClimateJustice #ClimateJustice #Feminist #TimeForAction #ActOnTheGap #MissingVoicesCop #ActNow #NotWithoutUs
#BonnClimateConference #sb58 #youthstocktake #unfccc #youthforclimate #FeministClimateJustice #ClimateChange #justtransition #ClimateAction #genderjustice #ClimateJustice #feminist #timeforaction #ActontheGAP #missingvoicescop #ActNow #notwithoutus
The #notwithoutus supports the strike today to fight for #genderjustice and #climatejustice
#notwithoutus #genderjustice #ClimateJustice
#BonnClimateConference started this Monday! The #NotWithoutUs team will attend the second week of negotiations!
On Saturday, June 10th, we invite you to join our side event at 11:45-13:00 at Room Bonn to learn the difference between #RealZero pathways and #dangerousdistractions 🌎‼️
#BonnClimateConference #SB58 #ClimateChange #JustTransition #ClimateAction #GenderJustice #FeministClimateJustice #ClimateJustice #Feminist #TimeForAction #ActOnTheGap #MissingVoicesCop #ActNow #NotWithoutUs
#BonnClimateConference #notwithoutus #realzero #dangerousdistractions #sb58 #ClimateChange #justtransition #ClimateAction #genderjustice #FeministClimateJustice #ClimateJustice #feminist #timeforaction #ActontheGAP #missingvoicescop #ActNow
🌈 Activists this morning have shown at the #BonnClimateChange Conference that we will not allow for #falsesolutions and dangerous distractions☠️ to the climate crisis! The Real Solutions are there.
If you want to know what the real solutions are, join us on Saturday at our Side Event
#GenderJustice #FeministClimateJustice
#bonnclimatechange #FALSESOLUTIONS #genderjustice #FeministClimateJustice
What's wrong with expecting that your partner will ask you to do the dishes:
#genderjustice #mentalload #thehelpers
RT @APC_News
Freedom of expression is key to enjoy all other rights: Join us to mark World Press Freedom Day 2023 👇
#wpfd2023 #freedomofexpression #genderjustice
In honor of #EqualPayDay today, here's a little history behind our project, @EqualPayToday (which you should definitely go follow!)
"Equal Pay Today was founded with organizational partners from states and the national stage 10 years ago. Together, we committed to share leadership and resources to close the gender, race, and LGBTQIA+ wage gaps for those most impacted by inequities."
Read more on our website here!
#WageGap #EqualPay #FairPay #GenderJustice #LGBTQ #Women
#EqualPayDay #wagegap #EqualPay #fairpay #genderjustice #lgbtq #women
Today is International Feminist Fighting Day and GenderCC celebrates intersectional feminism, gender equality, equity and inclusivity. ✊🏻✊🏽✊🏾
We take this opportunity today to celebrate and acknowledge the accomplishments of different identities beyond the gender binary and to celebrate cis and trans women, non binary, inter and gender non conforming folks. 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
Today and everyday we are fighting for gender and climate justice, advocating for gender responsive climate policies and meaningful participation of the people most affected by climate change. Are you joining us? :gcc1:
#feministfightingday #genderjustice #climatejustice #equality #humanrights #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #transwomenarewomen #climatechange #actnow
#feministfightingday #genderjustice #ClimateJustice #equality #HumanRights #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #transwomenarewomen #ClimateChange #ActNow
At what age do you draw the line? #Defilement #Sex #sexualassault #childmarriage #childdevelopment #girls #GirlsAreChildren #endchildmarriage #endchildlabour #endchildabuse #PeriodShaming #Women #genderequality #genderjustice #LaceysHouse #Education #Rape #GBV #FGM
#defilement #sex #Sexualassault #childmarriage #childdevelopment #girls #girlsarechildren #endchildmarriage #endchildlabour #endchildabuse #periodshaming #women #genderequality #genderjustice #laceyshouse #Education #rape #GBV #FGM
Black history month will come to an end, however, here at GenderCC we celebrate and honor the life, work and legacy of black activists and scholars everyday and every single month through our advocacy work.
Today we are paying tribute to Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan environmental and political activist and the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.
In 1977, Maathai founded the Green Belt Movement which is an indigenous grassroots organization in Kenya that empowers women and focuses on planting trees and environmental conservation. She was a pioneer in linking environmental protection to human rights. The Green Belt Movement has planted more than 130 million trees in Africa and helped more than 900.000 (according an estimation in 2016).
Maathai’s activism started from a dream that she had as a child living in rural Kenya, and she devoted her life to protecting the environment and promoting democracy and peace.
Find more information here:
#blackhistory #wangarimaathai #feminism #climatechange #climatejustice #genderequality #genderjustice #greenbeltmovement #actnow #activism #climateactivist
#blackhistorymonth #blackhistory #wangarimaathai #feminism #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice #GenderEquality #genderjustice #GreenBeltmovement #ActNow #activism #climateactivist
Adenike Titilope Oladosu is making history with her inspiring work and activism. Oladosu is a Nigerian climate activist, eco-feminist and the initiator for the Fridays for Future, Nigeria.
Oladosu engaged with climate activism after she started university. In 2018, she attended COP25 in Spain as a Nigerian youth delegate and a year later, she received the Ambassador of Conscience Award from Amnesty International Nigeria. Oladosu is also the founder of the “I Lead Climate Action” initiative and she advocates for the establishment of a green democracy across the African continent.
#climatechange #climatejustice #climateactivist #adeniketitilopeoladosu #blackhistory #nigeria #actnow #genderjustice #feminism #ecofeminism
#blackhistorymonth #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice #climateactivist #adeniketitilopeoladosu #blackhistory #nigeria #ActNow #genderjustice #feminism #ecofeminism