Noch zwei Tage kann man in der AAC Galerie in Weimar die Ausstellung von Clara Winter und Miiel Ferráez anschauen.
Ich fand sie sehr gut und empfehlenswert – gute Mischung aus Todernst und Humor.
#weimar #kunst #ausstellung #art #exhibition #video #Neokolonialismus #neocolonianism #genderpolitics
#weimar #kunst #Ausstellung #art #exhibition #video #neokolonialismus #neocolonianism #genderpolitics
#Genderpolitics is not just about #sex or #religion, but about #power.
#power #religion #sex #genderpolitics
#Iraq20YearsOn: Next lecture of our online series will focus on #GenderPolitics & Imaginaries in #Iraq. On the panel: Isis Nusair (Denison University, USA), Zhiya Qader (University of Sulaimani, KRI, Iraq), Thamir R. S. Az-Zubaidy (Wasit University, Iraq), and Nadje Al-Ali (Brown University, USA).
➡️ Register here for 6 June:
#iraq20yearson #genderpolitics #iraq
#Humanrights, #racerelations, #genderpolitics, #healthcare, ⚓ and #foreignpolicy - it's a lot to keep track of, and yet all of these things affect us in our #dailylives... ...Making #sense of everything requires meticulous unpacking of #feelings, #delicatenavigation of #socialnorms, and a #communityoflove to #help along the #WAY. Tracee Ellis Ross
💙Have some #TACT, #FOLKS ⚓ 🌊 🌐 🌊 ⚓
#humanrights #racerelations #genderpolitics #Healthcare #foreignpolicy #dailylives #sense #feelings #delicatenavigation #socialnorms #communityoflove #help #way #tact #folks
Woot the ShortCuts Live podcast episode I'm on is live! Listen to me from May 2022, just after presenting a joint paper at the #SpokenWeb #symposium
#podcast #research #ShortCuts #LiteraryAudio #pronouns #GenderPolitics #CampusRadio #WomensRights #Editing #Language
#spokenweb #symposium #podcast #research #shortcuts #literaryaudio #pronouns #genderpolitics #campusradio #womensrights #editing #language
I guess #AppleTV+ isn’t popular like #Netflix or #Disney, and I guess this has been around for a while, but I really enjoyed the first season of #TheMorningShow and its #MeToo foundation. #JenniferAniston and #ReeseWitherspoon make it shine 😊 Now looking forward to watching the second season 🎉📺🍿
#TV #Streaming #TVSeries #GenderPolitics #SexualPolitics #WomensRights #Equality
#equality #womensrights #sexualpolitics #genderpolitics #tvseries #streaming #tv #reesewitherspoon #jenniferaniston #metoo #themorningshow #disney #netflix #appletv
Songwriter's music speaks
Deeply, not as straight as it seems
Remaking music's norms
#music #country #shanemcanally #genderpolitics #haiku #poetry
#country #shanemcanally #genderpolitics #haiku #poetry #music
This is fascinating, Thanks for sharing, I am adding some tags-- #womenphilosophers #genderandphilosophy #HelenevonDrushowitz #genderpolitics
#womenphilosophers #genderandphilosophy #helenevondrushowitz #genderpolitics
a large takeaway was that many of the questions women ask themselves when thinking about entering politics are questions that men don’t ask.
#genderpolitics #genderparity #parityingovernment
#ethics #prochoice #doublestandards #abortion #society #foetalpain #foetalsentience #society #genderpolitics #extremism #fathersrights #siblingsrights #grandparentsrights
#ethics #prochoice #doublestandards #abortion #society #foetalpain #foetalsentience #genderpolitics #extremism #fathersrights #siblingsrights #grandparentsrights
#introduction #histodons Hi everyone here in the #mastodon history channel. Still establishing my new account here as #historian of early modern history, and happily following advice of how to do it 😊 Looking forward to sharing research on #earlymodern #globalhistory, #digitisation, #media, and our international #digitisation and research project Also looking forward to engage in critical debates on todays challenges: #ClimateChange #socialinequality, #genderpolitics, #racism.
#introduction #histodons #mastodon #historian #earlymodern #globalhistory #digitisation #media #prizepapers #climatechange #socialinequality #genderpolitics #racism
This also means a new record for women in congress with at least 148 serving in the 118th congress. Still waiting on AK House races.
#genderpolitics #womeninpolitics #genderparity #elections #CAWP
#genderpolitics #Womeninpolitics #genderparity #elections #cawp
Hi, I'm a #historian and #arthistorian, focusing on all things #WomenArtists, #womeninhistory, and #genderpolitics today. My first book, A Revolution on Canvas: The Rise of Women Artists in Britain and France, 1760-1830, came out earlier this year with #ThePaulMellonCentre and #YaleUniversityPress. I'm now working on my second book, a broader story of women artists in western history, under contract with #Doubleday (US) and #Viking (UK). /
#introduction #historian #ArtHistorian #womenartists #WomenInHistory #genderpolitics #thepaulmelloncentre #YaleUniversityPress #doubleday #viking
Number of #Pediatric #Gender Clinics 2007 / 2022
#pediatric #gender #genderpolitics
#Trans cheerleader kicked out of cheerleading camp after choking teammate #genderpolitics #violence
#violence #genderpolitics #trans
I identify as a billionaire. Where's my money?