proudnb · @proudnb
498 followers · 1664 posts · Server

Body hair can only enhance your presentation.

Body hair can be gentle, soft, and delicate.

It can be rugged, imposing, and even beastly.

It can be simply there in all its fuzzy, unpredictable glory.

Body hair is exactly what you make of it in regards to your presentation, because it’s another aspect of you.

Nothing more, and nothing less.


#genderpresentation #bodyhair #NonBinary #NonBinaryPride #NonBinaryPositivity #nonbinarybodypositivity

Last updated 2 years ago

proudnb · @proudnb
456 followers · 1507 posts · Server

There's no "one size fits all," when it comes to how you'd like to be treated as a nonbinary person (besides basic decency).

Maybe pronouns are very important to you, but you might also not care. Perhaps you're not concerned with how others see you. Or, maybe "passing" is extremely important.

Your needs will be unique because every nonbinary person is unique.

#passing #genderpresentation #nonbinaypride #NonBinaryPositivity

Last updated 3 years ago

proudnb · @proudnb
456 followers · 1507 posts · Server

Your nonbinary fashion can come from thrift stores, drug stores, department stores, sewn yourself, all the above and more.

However you build your style, it'll be perfect for you because you chose it.

#NonBinary #nonbinaypride #NonBinaryPositivity #genderpresentation #fashion

Last updated 3 years ago

proudnb · @proudnb
456 followers · 1507 posts · Server

Dress in a way that you feel emphasizes your gender.

Since presentation does not equal gender, your style can be anything that pleases you.

Your presentation is your business. When you have the option, don’t let anybody get in the way of you.


#genderpresentation #NonBinaryPositivity #NonBinary

Last updated 3 years ago

proudnb · @proudnb
456 followers · 1507 posts · Server

Your gender presentation or ideal appearance can be anything at all.

Your desires in this can be "strange" or "unusual" to others. It doesn't have to make sense to anyone but you.

It needs to do just one thing, and that is make you feel complete.

Strut your stuff in all the greatness and variety of a rainbow.


#appearance #genderpresentation #nonbinaypride #NonBinaryPositivity #NonBinary

Last updated 4 years ago

proudnb · @proudnb
456 followers · 1507 posts · Server

It’s not wrong to be afraid to present how you want even if it’s “technically” safe enough for you to do so.

We are not born brave enough to take everything on.

Courage is something you build, and you build it at your own pace. So, take all the time you need.

This is no race, and there is no finish line.


#genderpresentation #nonbinaypride #NonBinaryPositivity #NonBinary

Last updated 4 years ago

proudnb · @proudnb
456 followers · 1507 posts · Server

You are nonbinary no matter how many or how few people can see it.

One person may sport very visible tattoos, and another may have hidden ones. Still, both people definitely have tattoos.

So, being visible may be a good or bad depending on your situation, but it has nothing to do with the fact that you are nonbinary.


#genderpresentation #visibility #NonBinaryPositivity #NonBinary

Last updated 4 years ago

proudnb · @proudnb
456 followers · 1507 posts · Server

You shouldn’t have to be “obviously” nonbinary in order for others to take you seriously as a nonbinary person.

Anyone who expects you to look a certain way before believing that you’re nonbinary doesn’t actually respect you.

And you don’t ever have to compromise on who you are for another’s convenience.


#genderpresentation #exorsexism #nonbinaypride #NonBinaryPositivity #NonBinary

Last updated 4 years ago

proudnb · @proudnb
456 followers · 1507 posts · Server

You can create a place in every kind of fashion or style to express yourself in your own unique nonbinary way.

Fashion changes throughout the centuries. You can be a wonderful part of that continuous transformation. 

#genderpresentation #nonbinaypride #NonBinaryPositivity #NonBinary

Last updated 4 years ago

proudnb · @proudnb
456 followers · 1507 posts · Server
proudnb · @proudnb
456 followers · 1507 posts · Server

If you are still looking for your “style” or the best way to express how you’re nonbinary, don’t worry.

Maybe you’ll build it over the years or maybe you’ll  find that you’ve had it all along.

One way or another, you’ll find it one day.


#genderpresentation #appearance #style #NonBinaryPositivity #lgbtq #NonBinary #NonBinaryPride

Last updated 5 years ago

proudnb · @proudnb
456 followers · 1507 posts · Server

You can be a feminine/masculine nonbinary or genderqueer person even if that technically lines up with your assigned gender.

You're not just faking it, trying to seem cool by breaking gender roles (that can't even apply to you), or are otherwise a cis person with a twist. Your gender situation is real, and no one's shallow ideas can change that basic truth.

And you do not have to change yourself just to match what others think a nonbinary person should look like.

#genderpresentation #exorsexism #NonBinaryPositivity #lgbtq #NonBinary #NonBinaryPride

Last updated 5 years ago

proudnb · @proudnb
456 followers · 1507 posts · Server

You don't have to choose between being either feminine or masculine.

You can do both, more of one and some of the other, neither, invent something new, mix new and old, combine them all, and more!

You have broken the binary once already. There's no need to go easy on it now.

#genderpresentation #NonBinaryPositivity #lgbtq #NonBinary #NonBinaryPride

Last updated 5 years ago

proudnb · @proudnb
456 followers · 1507 posts · Server

It's alright if your presentation changes over time. You're just as much a nonbinary person as you've always been.

There's no need to stay the same when the world around you is growing and changing, too.

#genderpresentation #NonBinaryPositivity #lgbtq #NonBinary #NonBinaryPride

Last updated 5 years ago

proudnb · @proudnb
456 followers · 1507 posts · Server

How you define your presentation and how that relates to your gender is entirely up to you.

Others may want to force definitions on you that they are most comfortable with, but their opinions mean shit.

It's your understanding of yourself that matters.

#lgbtq #NonBinary #genderpresentation #NonBinaryPositivity

Last updated 5 years ago