#photography #Photos #photoart #art #mostoart #mastodonart #fotografie #fotografia #photographyisart #life #womansart #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #nudes #nudephotography #nudesinnature #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephoto #womensart #fineart #fineartphotography
#LGBTQA #lgbtqally #lgbt #genderreform #GenderEquality #Gender_affirming_care_bans #transgender #transfobie
PhotoBy @KorayErkaya
#photography #Photos #photoart #art #mostoart #mastodonart #fotografie #fotografia #photographyisart #life #womansart #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #nudes #nudephotography #nudesinnature #blackandwhitephoto #womensart #fineart #fineartphotography #LGBTQA #lgbtqally #lgbt #genderreform #GenderEquality #gender_affirming_care_bans #transgender #transfobie
#photography #Photos #photoart #art #mostoart #mastodonart #fotografie #fotografia #photographyisart #life #womansart #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #nudes #nudephotography #nudesinnature #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephoto #womensart #fineart #fineartphotography
#LGBTQA #lgbtqally #lgbt #genderreform #GenderEquality #Gender_affirming_care_bans #transgender #transfobie
PhotoBy @KorayErkaya
#photography #Photos #photoart #art #mostoart #mastodonart #fotografie #fotografia #photographyisart #life #womansart #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #nudes #nudephotography #nudesinnature #blackandwhitephoto #womensart #fineart #fineartphotography #LGBTQA #lgbtqally #lgbt #genderreform #GenderEquality #gender_affirming_care_bans #transgender #transfobie
#photography #Photos #photoart #art #mostoart #mastodonart #fotografie #fotografia #photographyisart #life #womansart #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #nudes #nudephotography #nudesinnature #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephoto #womensart #fineart #fineartphotography
#LGBTQA #lgbtqally #lgbt #genderreform #GenderEquality #Gender_affirming_care_bans #transgender #transfobie
PhotoBy @KorayErkaya
#photography #Photos #photoart #art #mostoart #mastodonart #fotografie #fotografia #photographyisart #life #womansart #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #nudes #nudephotography #nudesinnature #blackandwhitephoto #womensart #fineart #fineartphotography #LGBTQA #lgbtqally #lgbt #genderreform #GenderEquality #gender_affirming_care_bans #transgender #transfobie
#photography #Photos #photoart #art #mostoart #mastodonart #fotografie #fotografia #photographyisart #life #womansart #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #nudes #nudephotography #nudesinnature #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephoto #womensart #fineart #fineartphotography
#LGBTQA #lgbtqally #lgbt #genderreform #GenderEquality #Gender_affirming_care_bans #transgender #transfobie
PhotoBy @KorayErkaya
#photography #Photos #photoart #art #mostoart #mastodonart #fotografie #fotografia #photographyisart #life #womansart #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #nudes #nudephotography #nudesinnature #blackandwhitephoto #womensart #fineart #fineartphotography #LGBTQA #lgbtqally #lgbt #genderreform #GenderEquality #gender_affirming_care_bans #transgender #transfobie
#photography #Photos #photoart #art #mostoart #mastodonart #fotografie #fotografia #photographyisart #life #womansart #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #nudes #nudephotography #nudesinnature #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephoto #womensart #fineart #fineartphotography
#LGBTQA #lgbtqally #lgbt #genderreform #GenderEquality #Gender_affirming_care_bans
PhotoBy @OlivierValsecch
#photography #Photos #photoart #art #mostoart #mastodonart #fotografie #fotografia #photographyisart #life #womansart #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #nudes #nudephotography #nudesinnature #blackandwhitephoto #womensart #fineart #fineartphotography #LGBTQA #lgbtqally #lgbt #genderreform #GenderEquality #gender_affirming_care_bans
Dh’ainmich Prìomh-mhinistear na h-Alba, Humza Yousaf, gu h-oifigeil an-diugh gun dèan Riaghaltas na h-Alba dùbhlan laghail an-aghaidh Riaghaltas na RA mun cho-dhùnadh aca bacadh a chur air ath-leasachadh gnè an Alba https://angeidhealur.scot/2023-04-12-dubhlan-laghail-do-riaghaltas-na-ra-air-ainmeachadh/
#LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #LGDTCEN #LGDTC #LGDT #TarGhnèitheach #Transgender #Trans #AthLeasachadhGnè #GenderReform #Alba #Scotland #RiaghaltasNaHAlba #ScottishGovernment #PàrlamaidNaHAlba #ScottishParliament #Gàidhlig #Gaelic @gaidhlig
#gaelic #gaidhlig #ScottishParliament #parlamaidnahalba #scottishgovernment #RiaghaltasnahAlba #scotland #alba #genderreform #athleasachadhgne #trans #transgender #targhneitheach #LGDT #LGDTC #LGDTCEN #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia
Scotland to launch legal challenge to UK government block on gender reform bill
Brilliant news! This would never have happened if the transphobes had won the SNP election. Can't wait to see this play out. Let's hope trans people get the rights they deserve.
#trans #TransRights #GenderReform #GRRBill #Scotland #IndyRef2 #FuckTheTories #TransphobeTories
#trans #transrights #genderreform #grrbill #scotland #indyref2 #fuckthetories #transphobetories
In #Ireland, #trans people can self-declare their own gender under the Gender Recognition Act 2015.
Ruadhán Ó Críodáin applied for a gender recognition certificate (GRC) over noodles in a Dublin restaurant in December. 8 days later, it arrived.
“I’m really grateful to live in a country where it is so easy, and I know it’s all thanks to the long, lonely battle of Dr Lydia Foy [a trans woman who fought for 20 y. for the legislation] and her fellow activists.”
#SelfID #GRC #GenderReform
#ireland #trans #selfid #grc #genderreform
#genderreform and #brexit should be more than enough to convince the voters to vote for independence at the next general election. #indyref. Nicola Sturgeon says gender reform row will go to court https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-64264063
#genderreform #brexit #indyref
@maggiechapman writing on Twitter: "I am so angry about this outrageous @GOVUK move. It’s an attack on devolution, on our democracy and it weaponises hate against trans people. It’s devastating, but unsurprising that they do this to a minority. We will fight this. We stand, unequivocally with our trans siblings."
Source: https://twitter.com/MaggieChapman/status/1615056708170092570
#LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #LGBWithTheT #Trans #Transgender #TransRights #GRRBill #GenderReform #Alba #Scotland #Section35 #Devolution
#devolution #section35 #scotland #alba #genderreform #grrbill #transrights #transgender #trans #lgbwiththet #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia
Official Statement from the Equality Network / Scottish Trans https://www.equality-network.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/GRR-Bill-block-16.1.23.pdf
#LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #LGBWithTheT #Trans #Transgender #TransRights #GRRBill #GenderReform #Alba #Scotland #Section35 #Devolution
#grrbill #devolution #section35 #scotland #alba #genderreform #transrights #transgender #trans #lgbwiththet #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia
There are many reasons for me to disagree with @jamiegreeneUK@twitter.com on many issues, but on this issue I am thoroughly in agreement. It is a measure of his integrity that he voted with his conscience in support of the #GenderReform bill.
Credit to him for this commendable act.
RT @ScotNational@twitter.com
Tory MSP Jamie Greene (@jamiegreeneUK@twitter.com) explains why he broke from his party on gender reform
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ScotNational/status/1605937756189839360
Minor correction: this is only "controversial" if you're an asshole.
#GenderReform #GRA #Scotland #GenderRecognitionBill #GenderRecognition #GenderRecognitionAct #Transgender
#genderreform #GRA #Scotland #genderrecognitionbill #genderrecognition #genderrecognitionact #transgender