Pàrlamaid na Fionnlainn air bhòtadh gus laghan aithneachadh gnè ath-leasachadh https://angeidhealur.scot/2023-02-05-parlamaid-na-fionnlainn-air-bhotadh-gus-laghan-aithneachadh-gne-ath-leasachadh/
#LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #AithneachadhGnè #GenderRecognition #AthLeasachaidheanGnè #GenderReforms #AnFhionnlann #Finland @gaidhlig #Gàidhlig #Gaelic
#gaelic #gaidhlig #finland #anfhionnlann #genderreforms #athleasachaidheangne #genderrecognition #AithneachadhGne #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia
Now that we have an understanding of the fluidity of gender and that defined boxes do not necessarily suit everyone, should we consider removing gender from sports?
What would be the pros and cons?
All opinions welcome, please be respectful in presenting or opposing opinions.
Personally, I practised martial arts for years within a mixed group but am open to hearing all sides.
#Sports #gender #debate #genderreforms #socialsurvey
Riaghaltas na Rìoghachd Aonaichte gus bacadh a chur air Bile Ath-leasachadh Aithneachadh Gnè (Alba)
#LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #Trans #TransRights #GenderReforms #Alba #Scotland #Gèidheil #Gàidhlig #Gaelic @gaidhlig @togblog
#gaelic #gaidhlig #geidheil #scotland #alba #genderreforms #transrights #trans #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia
Rishi Sunak concerned about impact of gender reforms