The IEC is committed to help raise awareness of the value of gender diversity with its National Committees and stakeholders.
Meet the women at IEC:
#genderresponsivestandards #WomenatIEC #SDG5 #IECforSDGs
#genderresponsivestandards #womenatiec #sdg5 #iecforsdgs
"Electrotechnology has always been male-dominated. In previous years, there were therefore very few chances for women to reach the top echelons of the IEC. But today, I am very encouraged to see a shift" Read further: #genderresponsivestandards #WomenatIEC
#genderresponsivestandards #womenatiec
One size does not fit all.
IEC and ISO published a guide to help technical committees ensure they are developing Gender Responsive Standards.
Discover the guide here:
#genderresponsivestandards #WomenatIEC #IECforSDGs #SDG5 #GRS
#genderresponsivestandards #womenatiec #iecforsdgs #sdg5 #GRS
Why is it important for women to take part in electrotechnical standardization?
We caught up with Ulrike Haltrich, Chair of IEC TC 100 and SyC Active Assisted Living.
Learn more about #GenderResponsiveStandards here:
#genderresponsivestandards #womenatiec #iecforsdgs #sdg5 #iwd23
"Standards often don’t protect women as well as men"
We caught up with Lynne Gibbens, who explains how the Canadian National Committee has put gender diversity at the centre of its strategy:
#genderresponsivestandards #WomenatIEC #SDG5 #IECforSDGs #IWD
#genderresponsivestandards #womenatiec #sdg5 #iecforsdgs #iwd
What are gender responsive standards (GRS)?
GRS is a standard that reflects an understanding of physical differences and gender roles, and equally addresses the needs of women and men.
Discover further: #genderresponsivestandards #WomenatIEC #IECforSDGs #IWD
#genderresponsivestandards #womenatiec #iecforsdgs #iwd
Should #gender needs be taken into account in standards development?
We asked Sonya Bird to share her thoughts on gender diversity and the important role standards play in helping to achieve it.
Read further: #genderresponsivestandards #WomenatIEC #SDG5 #IWD
#gender #genderresponsivestandards #womenatiec #sdg5 #iwd
What are Gender Responsive Standards?
ISO and IEC published a guide to help technical committees ensure they are developing #GRS.
Discover the guide here:
#genderresponsivestandards #WomenatIEC #IECforSDGs #SDG5 #IWD
#GRS #genderresponsivestandards #womenatiec #iecforsdgs #sdg5 #iwd