Aerobuzz / JumpSeat · @aerobuzz
10 followers · 185 posts · Server
Beeks · @Beeks
181 followers · 1838 posts · Server

Imagine dying because some idiots with too much money and an addiction to attention wanted an Instagram video celebrating their unborn child's genetalia. Fucking stupid. If someone invites you to a make sure you tell them to their face how dumb they are.


Last updated 1 year ago

BC Info Bot · @bcinfo
490 followers · 35022 posts · Server
Swiff · @swiff
304 followers · 58307 posts · Server

The submarine compresses and violently detonates, instantly destroying the occupants completely. A blue colorant begins to seep from the wreckage, staining the water a deep unnatural azure: it's a boy!


Last updated 1 year ago

Manisch · @Manisch
98 followers · 674 posts · Server

Was, wenn die einfach die größt-angelegte ever ist?

Irgendwann, wenn der blaue Balken groß genug ist, tritt auf die Bühne und sagt "Liebe Familie, liebe ist ein Junge!". Hinter ihm fahren Banner runter, das Bild wird an die Wand gebeamt, Konfetti-Kanonen...

#afd #genderrevealparty #hocke #Ultraschall

Last updated 1 year ago

A named Flamingo is dead after someone dyed it pink. | NPR

"We don't know why this was dyed pink, although many of our followers have speculated that it was for a gender reveal party," Catherine Quayle, social media director of the Wild Bird Fund, told .”

Unbelievable, I am appalled and speechless. | HF

#pigeon #bird #npr #genderreveal #genderrevealparty #birds

Last updated 2 years ago

A named Flamingo is dead after someone dyed it pink. | NPR

"We don't know why this was dyed pink, although many of our followers have speculated that it was for a gender reveal party," Catherine Quayle, social media director of the Wild Bird Fund, told .”

Unbelievable, I am appalled and speechless. | HF

#pigeon #bird #npr #genderreveal #genderrevealparty

Last updated 2 years ago

Jeffrey K. Walker · @jwalk1230
505 followers · 1492 posts · Server

Can we stop with the stupidity? Coloring birds with toxic pink or blue dye, canons exploding, smoke canisters starting wildfires. Seriously? That’s the first picture you want in your kid’s baby book?

Here’s an exciting alternative. DON’T get the sex of your fetus told to you. Choose two names and revel in the deeply personal excitement shared with your significant other and the compounded joy and surprise you’ll feel upon the birth of your child.


Last updated 2 years ago

April · @AprilBhaskara
30 followers · 181 posts · Server

I once showed up naked to a gender reveal party and I’m still not sure if it’s me who misunderstood it.


#showedup #naked #genderreveal #genderrevealparty #misunderstanding

Last updated 2 years ago

AgreeableLandscape · @AgreeableLandscape
242 followers · 3206 posts · Server

The is nothing but a way by "traditional values" people to assert that a baby's is nothing but by insinuating that not only is gender the most important, but the ONLY thing that needs to be known about their future child. As if their entire life hinges on that.

People who say that it undermines are correct, but that's not the full picture. Even if the person does not become trans, they don't deserve to be thought of as a product of their gender!

#genderrevealparty #gender #transrights

Last updated 2 years ago