30 Criticisms That Hold Women Leaders Back, According to New Research
The study looked at 913 women leaders in four female-dominated fields.
The researchers found that there was no “sweet spot” where a woman could position herself without being criticized. Women were either too young or too old, too attractive or not attractive enough, too educated or not educated enough. They ultimately found that women leaders were “never quite right.”
One should not forget, that the so called #GenderStudies and its foundation presumes already the enlightenment idea of #control, classify, #categorize and #regulate as a transhistorical truth, as Butler said: "inevitable regulation".
For me that sounds like: This is no anarchist problem/theory.
Here the anarchists are way more with reality. According Butler and predecessing thinkers they should have long time stoped using the word women.
For anarchist that doesn't matter, since we have no need for a precise limiting definition to what the word women shell mean.
"Aber möglicherweise ist das Problem noch gravierender: Stellt nicht die Konstruktion der Kategorie »Frau(en)« als kohärentes‚ festes Subjekt eine unvermeidliche Regulierung und Verdinglichung der Geschlechterbeziehungen (gender relations) dar?" - #JudithButler, Das unbehagen der Geschlächter
"But perhaps the problem is even more serious: does not the construction of the category "woman(s)" as a coherent' fixed subject represent an inevitable regulation and reification of gender relations?"
#genderstudies #control #categorize #regulate #judithbutler
« Des médias au Canada anglais, aux États-Unis, au Royaume-Uni, en Inde et à Montréal ont traité de l’attentat la journée même ou le jour suivant, mais le Devoir n’a publié son seul article sur le sujet qu’une semaine plus tard, le 4 juillet.
La journaliste Stéphanie Marin y soulignait que, selon le recteur, l’agresseur a « enfoncé son couteau au cœur de la valeur la plus importante des institutions académiques : la liberté académique ».
Depuis, plus rien dans les médias du Québec, pourtant obsédés par l’enjeu de la liberté d’académique. »
#Waterloo #genderstudies
#libertéacadémique #féminisme #antiféminisme #polytechnique #⚖ #Justice #haine #étudesféministes #UQAM #attentat #médias
Le Waterloo des défenseurs de la liberté académique
chronique de Francis Dupuis-Déri dans Pivot
#waterloo #genderstudies #liberteacademique #feminisme #antifeminisme #polytechnique #justice #haine #etudesfeministes #uqam #attentat #medias
Des universités de l'Ontario retirent des sites les informations relatives aux cours pour des raisons de sécurité ; les facultés veulent être consultées
« Suite aux consultations menées cet été et dans un souci de sécurité, les informations relatives aux locaux ont été retirées de l'outil de création des horaires des étudiants de premier cycle mis à la disposition du public par l'université. Compte tenu de la taille de nos campus, les bâtiments continuent d'être identifiés pour aider les étudiants à planifier leur emploi du temps en tenant compte du temps de déplacement entre les cours», a écrit un porte-parole de l'université de Toronto dans un communiqué.
#genderstudies #campus #Waterloo #sécurité #Université #agression #Ontario #haine
#genderstudies #campus #waterloo #securite #universite #agression #ontario #haine
Seems like there's a nice cluster of recent retro #TV series about nontraditional women's work. #GLOW #Minx #Physical #TelevisionStudies #GenderStudies
#tv #glow #minx #physical #TelevisionStudies #genderstudies
Just submitted my #syllabus for "Women in Architecture" (ARTH 4800) at #CarletonUniversity #Ottawa for this Fall term.
Please help to spread word to students who might be interested. Relevant for students in #architecture, #geography, #sociology, #genderStudies ...
Also happy to connect with others teaching similar courses or who want to include the topic in core course
#syllabus #carletonuniversity #ottawa #architecture #geography #sociology #genderstudies
One of our biggest goals is to build communities! We want to improve the public's understanding of how research works -- how to conduct it, to parse meaning from it, and how to understand the processes that can sway meaning one way or another.
We also want to establish that research can do real good in the world! One example we're very proud of is our data-based adoption of a gender-neutral language policy to build a more inclusive research environment: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/ischoolsrj/vol13/iss1/3/
#Research #Information #InformationScience #MLIS #DataScience #Libraries #GenderStudies #Allyship #Community
#research #information #InformationScience #mlis #datascience #libraries #genderstudies #allyship #community
Wieso die Panik vor Genderstudien in den USA nicht früher Anklang fand? Wahrscheinlich auch, weil es sich lange um einen antiamerikanischen Diskurs handelte, schreibt @adriandaub in seiner #WOZtäglich-Kolumne.
#Genderstudies #USA #Kulturkampf #Republikaner
#republikaner #kulturkampf #usa #genderstudies #woztaglich
2 Intéressants podcasts de la série "le code a changé" : Le mythe du geek autiste - épisode 1 : la grande Histoire, épisode 2 : la petite histoire. Avec Marion Coville, chercheuse sur le #numerique #autisme #genderstudies https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/le-code-a-change/le-mythe-du-geek-autiste-episode-1-la-grande-histoire-6393885 https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/le-code-a-change/le-code-a-change-du-samedi-13-aout-2022-7546105
#numerique #autisme #genderstudies
Literaturwissenschaftler*innen mit Interesse an Relevanzfragen:
Im SoSe 2024 biete ich wieder #RelevanteLiteraturwissenschaft an, Vorlesung & Seminar.
Wer Lust hat auf Kooperation im Seminar & mitplanen will: Gerne melden! Es können auch "nur" einzelne Themen sein!
#Methodendebatten #CulturalStudies #Kanon #wisskomm #Literaturskandale #GenderStudies #PostcolonialStudies uam!
#relevanteliteraturwissenschaft #methodendebatten #culturalstudies #Kanon #wisskomm #literaturskandale #genderstudies #PostcolonialStudies
Pink News: Florida college board set to remove gender studies programme https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/08/13/new-college-of-florida-ron-desantis-christopher-rufo/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #genderstudies #Education #Politics #college #Florida #News #US
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #genderstudies #education #politics #college #florida #news #us
Okej, wczorajsza ✨dancing in dystopia✨ jest już do odsłuchania w archiwum!
Link: https://radiokapital.pl/shows/dancing-in-dystopia/31-wyimki-z-gender-studies/
"Z okazji ukończenia studiów podyplomowych Gender Studies (PAN) dzielę się ciekawymi tekstami i zagadnieniami 🙂 Oczywiście to tylko taka zajawka, ale mam nadzieję, że zaciekawi.
Audycja NIE jest sponsorowana!"
❤️GGGOLDDD - I Let My Hair Grow
🧡SIERRA - Gone
💛SIERRA - Unbroken
💚Kiki Rockwell - Rise Up O Flame
💙Kiki Rockwell - Burn Your Village
💜Janelle Monáe - Q.U.E.E.N. feat. Erykah Badu
💙ANOHNI and the Johnsons - It Must Change
💗SPELLLING - Revolution
🤍(w tle Agnes Obel - It's Happening Again, instrumental)
@radiokapital #RadioKapital #dancingindystopia #audycja #communityradio #radio #muzyka #music #genderstudies
#genderstudies #music #muzyka #radio #communityradio #audycja #dancingindystopia #radiokapital
Wczoraj pobiłam rekord: nagrałam i zmontowałam audycję w sześć godzin 😮 Zapraszam do wysłuchania efektów jutro! W tym odcinku luźno opowiadam o ciekawych rzeczach z Gender Studies. A do tego, jak zwykle, playlista z najlepszych piosenek pasujących do tematu. Powinno być fajnie 🙂
@radiokapital #RadioKapital #muzyka #genderstudies
Obrazek dla uwagi, dobrany bardziej humorystycznie. Źródło: Ouran High School Host Club
#genderstudies #muzyka #radiokapital
Exciting! The new, revised & expanded edition of my book is available for pre-order! Look at the lovely cover!
(Image: a burgundy book cover. The title reads “Beyond the Binary: Thinking about Sex and Gender, second edition,” by Shannon Dea. On the cover are two stick figures, one in a dress (or cape!) and one in trousers. Rainbow colours “leak” down the figures as if tie-dyed.)
#gender #GenderStudies #philosophy #books https://broadviewpress.com/product/beyond-the-binary-thinking-about-sex-and-gender-second-edition/
#books #philosophy #genderstudies #gender
Thanks to Eyo O. Mensah for this analysis of Nigerian young women's tactics and strategies to "do gender" during romantic breakups. #Sociology #gender #genderstudies #romanticcouples #breakups #newresearch https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00380237.2023.2178046
#newresearch #breakups #romanticcouples #genderstudies #gender #sociology
Otro evento interesante para este segundo semestre:
II Jornadas Nacionales “Haciendo Universidades Feministas. A 40 años de Democracia”
📅 25 y 26 de septiembre de 2023
📍 Universidad Nacional de La Plata
#feminism #university #genderstudies #argentina
This book of mine was good for its time, but it’s been seven years and much has changed. I’ve spent the last year rewriting and expanding portions of it, and the second edition is going to be so much better y’all. Just got the page proofs today. So excited! #gender #sex #GenderStudies #philosophy https://broadviewpress.com/product/beyond-the-binary-thinking-about-sex-and-gender/
#philosophy #genderstudies #sex #gender
Throwing a question out there for #QueerStudies #GenderStudies folks because I can't seem to source potential articles/chapters/books: has anyone ever done a genderqueer reading of Johanna Spyri's "Heidi"? It struck me today on watching the not so great film from 2005 (and having read the two-part novel several times) that Fräulein Rottenmeier's insistence on calling the girl "Adelheid" bears resemblance with dead-naming. And Heidi's role/character development in relation to her changing social surroundings encourages a queer reading.
Any suggestions (in English, German) for critical literature greatly welcome!
#queerstudies #genderstudies #litstudies #heidi
It's good that more studies disproving myths about ancient gender roles take place, not just for information purposes, but since the biggest point of those perpetuating the claims of women's inherent passiveness and submissiveness, and men's aggression is that "it's science". Which harms everyone, denying women their right to assertiveness, fierceness, and leadership, and men their right to gentleness and vulnerability.
#Science #feminism #genderstudies #gender