Someone left some old books on the mailboxes in my complex. One of them was historical records of the Virginia Valley. Pictures below. If these can be of use to ANYONE doing research, please dm your address and I will send to you (first come, first served).
#genealogy #geneadon #familyhistory #research
Notre compte n'est pas très actif depuis notre arrivée sur Mastodon en novembre 2022 !
Alors dites-nous ce que vous aimeriez y voir en priorité ! #histodon @archivistodon #geneadon
Does anybody else think of starting their whole family tree over when they realize the older parts weren’t compiled with the same care and standards as the newer parts? #genealgy #geneadon #familyhistory
#genealgy #geneadon #familyhistory
@packrat74 You’re heeere!!! Welcome to Mastodon! Lots of #genealogy folk are over on To find others, see @MishJHolman ‘s pinned posts for the #geneadon directory.
Uit de oude doos:
Bartholomeus Johannisz. Bekkers, valkmeester bij den Kooningh van Vrankrijk
#genealogie #Genealogy #geneadon @genchat
> Rijnier Fasol trouwt in 1817 met de Valkenswaardse valkeniersdochter Elisabeth Bekkers. Daarmee ontstaat een verwantschap met twee Valkenswaardse valkeniersfamilies, Bekkers en Daems. De vader van Elisabeth is de Valkenswaardse valkenier Bartholomeus Bekkers.
#genealogie #genealogy #geneadon
Announcement from Admin team at
Ancestorian is migrating to new software and unavailable until Friday 23:59 GMT. We look forward to a new, fast, and exciting future.
#ancestorian #geneadon #familyhistory #Genealogy
@AllieNickell Hopefully, you will wake up with ideas for a new approach to solving your puzzle after a good night's sleep!
If not, you could join a relevant group on and ask some questions there. Perhaps one of our members can help? There is no harm in trying. #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #Geneadon
#Genealogy #familyhistory #geneadon
"How Jews can learn about their roots from hundreds of genealogists
This year's annual International Conference on Jewish Genealogy will be held in the UK for the first time in over two decades"
#Geneadon #Genealogy #History #Jews #Holocaust #Shoah #FamilyHistory #Ancestry
#Ancestry #familyhistory #shoah #holocaust #jews #History #genealogy #geneadon
How Napoleon (almost) destroyed the French Revolution
When the Corsican general seized power in a coup in 1799, he proclaimed himself a defender of the republican ideals that had come from the revolution. But, as Marisa Linton explains, the would-be emperor did all he could to dismantle them
[📣] Les Archives municipales et communautaires d'Amiens ont numérisé et mis en ligne les tables décennales des naissances, mariages et décès de la Ville d'Amiens jusque 1972 : Bonnes recherches ! #généalogie #archives #geneadon @geneafr
#genealogie #archives #geneadon
#Veille #Généalogie Orange va fermer les Pages perso : 14.000 sites de généalogie menacés
#Veille #Généalogie Célébrez le 14 juillet avec un accès gratuit aux archives françaises sur !
Vous êtes généalogiste et utilisez IIIF pour visualiser les archives numérisées ? Dites-moi dans quel cadre (réutilisation blog, logiciel, carto...). Je ferais suivre vos réponses à @macgraveur
sophieboudarel - #Veille IIIF, un outil pour visualiser les archives numérisées (FranceArchives)
Intégrer le IIIF à FranceArchives, c’est faire le choix de mieux valoriser les documents numérisés des services partenaires
Hey #geneadon! I'm in a Human-Computer Interaction course and I am doing a project to do research on redesign an interface. I chose my own interface to my open-source project Geneac to evaluate, specifically the photo sharing features!
If you wouldn't mind taking a short survey, it would help my assignment a lot!
More info on Geneac here:
Thanks! #genealogy
"The Tudor travel bug: 6 artefacts that show the Tudors’ taste for travel"
#UK #england #tudor #genealogy #geneadon #Travel #History
"Lost civilisations of the Mediterranean
From Carthage to Ravenna, Katherine Pangonis revisits five lost capitals of the historic #Mediterranean"
#News #genealogy #geneadon #History #mediterranean
"How Genealogy Is Used To Track Black Family Histories"
#Geneadon #Africa #Slavery #History #Genealogy #US #Family #News
#News #family #US #genealogy #History #slavery #Africa #geneadon
"Study examines centuries of identity lost because of slavery"
#family #US #genealogy #History #slavery #Africa #geneadon
Are you conducting Mennonite-Amish Research? Here is a 400 year [FREE] time line I have prepared. Enjoy.
#Mennonite #Amish #Genealogy #Geneadon #History #Religion #Europe #Christian
#christian #Europe #Religion #History #geneadon #genealogy #amish #mennonite