I don't have that many, but I also didn't take that many in the first place. Usually I'm trying to take the input from a presentation and put it somewhere, where I find it again e.g. #GenWiki, #WikiTree etc. Some notes about why one should also "record" oneself in family history I have in my #gtd inbox/tickler file in order to be reminded of it every once in a while. The presentations from #genealogica2023 were the first I downloaded entirely and put them in parallel to digitized books.
#genwiki #wikitree #gtd #genealogica2023
Mini-Artikel Hofgänger im #GenWiki von #Compgen angelegt, um das von Andrea Bentschneider ( https://beyond-history.de/ ) auf der #Genealogica2023 vorgestellte Buch "Hofgängerleben in Mecklenburg : Selbsterlebtes und Selbsterschautes von einem Berliner Arbeitslosen" irgendwo ablegen bzw. verlinken zu können. Wenn jemand ergänzen mag, nur zu!
#genwiki #compgen #genealogica2023
Another round of fine tuning https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Albert-256 done. Now let's do some house work while listening to another presentation from #Genealogica2023 before they're all gone on Sunday night.
Ich habe die Abende der letzten anderthalb Wochen bei der #Genealogica2023 verbracht und mir jede Menge tolle Vorträge angeschaut. Seit Sonntag auch mit 1.5- oder 2-facher Geschwindigkeit. @afstunde @Genealogica #AFStunde
What better way is there to recover from a quite consuming #Genealogica2023 week and to prepare for a week of work, than writing a long biography for a relative on #WikiTree and going to bed too late because of it?
Last presentation day of #Genealogica2023. Almost feels like many will have their luggage standing right next to their screens, because they will go directly to their trains after the last zoom meeting is done.
Sehr informativer Vortrag von Michael Aumüller über das Thema: "Das Grundbuchzentralarchiv und seine Unterlagen als Quelle für die Familienforschung". Online bei der Genealogica bis zum 18.2. #Genealogica2023
Survived presentation day five of #Genealogica2023. Feeling really tired this morning. I'm a bit happy, that @Genealogica "only" runs for a week. Afterwards I will probably miss it anyway.
That went well ... official part of the #WikiTree workshop at #Genealogica2023 took almost 100 instead of 60 minutes and the "afterparty" another 100 minutes in which we corrected the LNAB for https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Kreilsheimer-6 , found her father, created her brother and connected her to the world tree. Thanks for a fabulous evening to @Genealogica, @melanz, @voks, @chuehn, @sidaba, @Krapfenfrau et. al
Fourth presentations day of #Genealogica2023 today (second session being a #WikiTree workshop/Q&A by myself). I'm starting to get drained, hoping for one evening with boring topics to come soon, @Genealogica
Another intense evening at #Genealogica2023 ends way too late and without me watching #PrettyLittleLiars for a whole day, but with nice people in a video hangout instead.
#genealogica2023 #prettylittleliars
To many things ? (7/52/2023): Do you have these weeks? You wanted to really clear some items of your genealogy research list ... but to many other items ongoing. Disturbing ones like a household to manage and really good things like relatives coming home from a longer trip and online / offline activities. This weekend is #Genealogica2023 for example. So caused by all this nice interference no in depth news this Sunday.
Fell asleep sourcing German profiles at #WikiTree (@athletespw started a challenge and I somehow got caught up). Now I'm late for virtual dog walk and preparing for attendance at #Genealogica2023
Sehr interessanter Vortrag von Klaus Kohrt zur Familienforschung in Polen. Hilfreiche Informationen auch zu den Indexdatenbanken. #genealogica2023 #Ahnenforschung #Genealogie #Familienforschung #genealogy #archive
#genealogica2023 #ahnenforschung #genealogie #familienforschung #genealogy #archive
Had a very nice, but also intense day at #Genealogica2023. Couldn't help myself and had to talk about #WikiTree most of the time. Looks like a few people registered or dug out their unused accounts. Now I have to force myself straight to bed instead of watching another episode of #PrettyLittleLiars, which itches a lot right now (even though I'm falling of my feet already)
#genealogica2023 #wikitree #prettylittleliars
A3: #Genealogica2023, #Rootstech, #PRFK und #CompGen Mitgliederversammlungen, sowie lokale Treffen.
@genchatde@a.gup.pe #GenChatDE
#genchatde #compgen #prfk #rootstech #genealogica2023
A3: Für Präsenz bin ich inzwischen einfach zu sehr Desk-Potato, glaube ich. Vielleicht die Mitgliederversammlung des #AKdFF, aber sonst bisher nur die #Genealogica2023 und natürlich den #WikiTree-Stammtisch jeden Monat. Im Herbst halte ich noch einen Vortrag bei den Oldenburgern. Da kann die @tanjaelsche dann auch zuhören, wenn sie nicht wieder parallel Werbung für Compgen machen muss 😉 #GenChatDE
@GenChatDE @genchatde@a.gup.pe
#akdff #genealogica2023 #wikitree #genchatde
Letzte Runde mit dem virtuellen Hund für heute, bevor gleich die #Genealogica2023 losgeht!