J. Paul Hawthorne · @GeneaSpy
131 followers · 94 posts · Server genealysis.social

Learning a lot in my class!
I found a land grant for my 4th. great-grandfather, Charles Galloway in 1835!

#ighr #Genealogy #genealogydons

Last updated 1 year ago

AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1601 followers · 619 posts · Server universeodon.com


1. A German census taker talking to an Italian family about an Irish neighbor who wasn't home.

2. Forgets to eat for two days when a new archive goes live.

3. Census takers who were taught to write by chickens.

4. 1890.

5. Is that a 'T' or an 'F"? ... It's an F. It needs to be a 'T' or the research is wrong.

6. Spent three weeks researching the wrong Wilhemena Kopfelpultz.

7. Accidentally told Grandma she's adopted.

8. Actual tick mark or accident? Choose wisely.

9. Non-hoarding distant relatives.

10. Have to plan vacations around cemetery hours.

(It's again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to .)

#hootintootintuesday #Mastodon #Humor #humour #toptenlist #jokestodon #genealogy #familytree #census #1890census #ancestry #toptenlists #genealogist #genealogists #genealogie #genealogydons #familyhistory

Last updated 2 years ago

AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1601 followers · 619 posts · Server universeodon.com

Many years ago, I chanced upon a printed Genealogy of the Freligh family, written by Genealogist Theodore “Ted” Overbagh.

At the time, I had no evidence that my lines met up with the ones in his Genealogy, so I contacted the author to see if he had any further information. He then sent me his “Addendum” to that document. From the second document, I was able to connect my Freligh lines to his substantial compiled .

[This article is intended to be a resource for Genealogists researching the Freligh surname and associated surnames, such as Fraleigh and Froelich. Additional resources for researching this surname and the Palatine Emigrants (aka “Pennsylvania Dutch”) are listed at the end of this article.]


#freligh #genealogy #genealogydons #familytree #ancestry #surnames #genealgists #geneadons #surnamestudy #surnamestudies #surname

Last updated 2 years ago

Melody Lassalle · @MelRootsNWrites
200 followers · 266 posts · Server toot.community
AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1602 followers · 619 posts · Server universeodon.com


Just announced a series of new History Café sessions and talks at a new venue, Restoration & Creation in Paisley. See the link for full details.

#genealogydons #scotland #renfrewshire #paisley #familyhistory #historydons

Last updated 2 years ago

AnneFisher · @AnneTheWriter
180 followers · 71 posts · Server mstdn.party

One thing we're all guilty of at some point, is getting so busy researching that we neglect to organize or properly manage our electronic files. After my own nightmare experience some time back, I wanted to warn others off from repeating my mistakes.

As promised, here's Part 2 of my series, "Avoiding Common Mistakes."


#genealogy #geneadon #genealogyblog #familyhistory #familytrees #filemanagement #genealogydons

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam Woodcock · @woodysj
81 followers · 339 posts · Server toot.community

Was going through some stuff and found a picture book a friend did of some old family photo's after my grandad passed away a couple of years ago. Written on the back it says George and Martha Bowness. Is there anybody who who could guess by the style of clothes etc. when this could have been taken? I was thinking 1890's

#familyhistory #ancestry #genealogy #photography #lincolnshire #genealogydons

Last updated 2 years ago

Melody Lassalle · @MelRootsNWrites
114 followers · 52 posts · Server toot.community

I had to be join the cool kids and try the Time Machine tool. This is a lot of fun!
My dog was in a couple of my pics so she ended up getting timemachined too.

#myheritage #genealogy #genealogydons

Last updated 2 years ago