2023 Yılının En İyi Finans Uygulaması Listesi https://burcualem.com/en-iyi-finans-uygulamasi/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Genel
Bebeklerde Güneş Yanığına Hangi Krem İyi Gelir? https://burcualem.com/gunes-yanigina-hangi-krem-iyi-gelir/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Genel
Ayrıca her cümle veya kelimenin altına eşsiz yorumlar döşemekte çok demoda 🤣
Google Trend Aramalar Kapatma 2023 |Google Trend Aramalar Nasıl Kapatılır? https://burcualem.com/google-trend-aramalar-kapatma/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Genel
11 Farklı Şekilde Google Gelişmiş Arama Nasıl Yapılır? https://burcualem.com/google-gelismis-arama-nasil-yapilir/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Genel
%100 Özgün Tanıtım Yazısı Satın Al: Seoiçerik.net! https://burcualem.com/tanitim-yazisi-satin-al/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Genel
"...the development in history of a political rationality whereby the executive comes to acquire legislative power by means of decrees that parliament is only called to approve or rectify"....."observes that this process, which began during the World Wars and was instantiated as a state of emergency, nowadays functions in substitution for the 'democratic' legislation process." You have facile ministers like Julia Lopez reading from a script & trying to defend BBC,with this as a backdrop! #GenEl
İşte Merak Edilen Yönleri ile İmam Nikahı ve Şartları! https://burcualem.com/iste-merak-edilen-yonleri-ile-imam-nikahi-ve-sartlari/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #DiniBilgiler #Genel
Yatırıma yön veren Midas Güvenilir mi? Tam Kapsamlı Midas Hakkında Bilgi Burada… https://burcualem.com/yatirima-yon-veren-midas-guvenilir-mi-tam-kapsamli-midas-hakkinda-bilgi-burada/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Genel #ÇalışmaHayatı #NasılYapılır
#genel #calismahayati #nasilyapilir
6 Farklı Şişli Veteriner Müdürlüğü Hizmetleri Nelerdir? https://burcualem.com/sisli-veteriner-mudurlugu/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Genel
Siber Güvenlik Uzmanı ile Çalışmanız için 5 Neden! https://burcualem.com/siber-guvenlik/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Genel
Evde Sağlıklı Yemekler Yapmayı Kolaylaştıran 7 Mutfak Aleti https://viralteknoloji.com/evde-saglikli-yemekler-yapmayi-kolaylastiran-7-mutfak-aleti/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #EvTeknolojileri #Genel
Whatsapp Web QR Kodu Okumuyor Sorunu Kesin Çözme! https://burcualem.com/whatsapp-web-qr-kodu-okumuyor/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Genel
2 Aşamada Kesin Çözüm: Instagram Güncelleme Nasıl Yapılır? https://burcualem.com/instagram-guncelleme/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Genel
9 Aşamada Mobil Uygulama Yapma Hakkında Merak Edilenler! https://burcualem.com/mobil-uygulama-yapma/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Genel #NasılYapılır
2023 Süperonline Kurumsal Mail Adresi Nedir? Nasıl Ulaşırım? https://burcualem.com/superonline-kurumsal-mail/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Genel
Shapps& the usual fascist RichardGraham completely misunderstand.A govt in order to not be destroyd in a broil of total social conflict,has to ensure the safety of, & eligibility for existent services,of its citizens:elsewhere its opaque monolith gets on with games & abusin power.Citizens do Not have Prior rights to be "physically led" to an operation,or transport to..only the operation;as a citizen.Citizenship was won by striking for votes,which previously held a property qualification. #GenEl
RobertWalpole looked in a mirror/N noticed a bulge,girthin his Sirrah/"I must legislate on this point/Against any1,who eats a whole joint!"/So he wrote upon a parchment scroll/"Walpole:.Cats..NoMoreSausageRolls!"/In doing so he ommitted "Fat"/Before "Cats"&that was that!/But I,Paul,a crusader born/Had the pal-obsesst paper,duly torn/Upon a new,inscribed this ruse/"Walpole,(his law):Paul,cats Fat orFair/'ll not abide,his lordships flair/For devourin mony,powr&whores/Like todays Tory Cohórt #GenEl
Britains dire problem is the Conservative party.Its origin is a lie,that post-Napoleonic national debt meant we had to Conserve.Thus the Corn Laws.Peel became PM in 1834,the year the magnificent Poor Laws & tax on land by Elizabeth I were dropped in favour of Workhouses.In 1845-7 Peel presided over the death of 1mill people(as Hancock/Johnson have just done)in Ireland,tariffin corn imports,only for landlords to put corn producers rents up.Disraeli & Earl of Derby stood by & lapped it up! #GenEl