Have a #generac #wholehouse #generator and have a question about its internal #battery
Last annual test/servicing, the tech suggested that I run the generator for 1 hour once every 3 months to keep the internal battery fully charged. Additionally test the automatic fail over during those runs.
Seems like an expensive way to keep the battery charged. Anyone doing this? Alternatives? TIA
#generac #wholehouse #generator #Battery
Just had a wild inspection on a #pinkenergy install today. They installed #generac inverters on an outbuilding, but put the one battery in the house, essentially requiring THREE separate underground wire runs, one main AC feed, one DC feed to the battery, and one AC feed to the protected loads panel
Dvorak and Horowitz turn me on to #Generac stock a few months ago on the show. Thank God I didn't listen to those fools, or I'd be doubly-underwater... That said, I picked it up a couple days ago while trolling some NYSE bottoms, and it was upgraded today!! Thanks boys. I'll make sure that I treat your stock picks like conspiracy theories, and wait a few months!
Today was supposed to be a smooth final installation of our #Generac generator system. Power company stopped by @ 7:40am to disconnect meter. Done. Electrician begins connecting electrical between generator and house at 8am. Good so far. 4:30pm inspector is a no-show. Now we have to rely on generator until tomorrow (or when they feel like coming by). Meanwhile, our natural gas bill is going to be huge. At least the generator powers everything in the house.