Tacit Subtext · @tsubtext
144 followers · 1044 posts · Server mindly.social

Truly having a hard time with my spouse. Sometimes I feel so tense in their presence. They have / and and they regularly introduce so much stress into mundane daily life. Life shouldn’t feel so hard. Life actually isn’t so hard.

I feel a lot of grief about how unnecessarily negative our daily life is.

#gad #generalanxietydisorder #ocd #marriedlife #marriage #relationships #interpersonalconflict #sad #stress

Last updated 1 year ago

Drew · @dharmadischarge
410 followers · 2992 posts · Server disabled.social

My new obsession is trying to learn the distinction between and created anxiety through Intrusive thoughts and replaying memories till inducing a state of

I cant see much of a difference except in the cause I have a dedicated anxiety med and two meds that also can help with anxiety and it is my main symptom.

My doctors even said they would change my diagnosis to general anxiety if I had a conviction I had it, though that may be a reaction to my ocd...

#generalanxietydisorder #ocd #anxiety

Last updated 2 years ago

Tim @toolbear@ Taylor · @toolbear
70 followers · 515 posts · Server union.place

Avoiding being vague will make this double as a -health spoke of my .

Macro: I have & ; well managed when treated. Every several years I end up with for months or longer. I'm currently in a "or longer" spell: 2019's became 2020's MDD which became the present.

Micro: with therapy I've been better & trending better. But longer nights + end of year blues has reversed that in recent days. 2/

#mental #introduction #chronicdepression #generalanxietydisorder #majordepressivedisorder #burnout

Last updated 2 years ago