PM Modi scheduled to attend UN General Assembly in September #PMModi #GeneralAssembly #September #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #September #generalassembly #PMModi
Tonight I worked on Frank Justison, who (apparently) was born in #brandywine hundred, #delaware. That struck me as an interesting place name. Turns out Delaware used to have many place names ending in “Hundred” as it related to #apportionment of districts to the #generalassembly. Today, Brandywine Hundred (aka North #Wilmington) is the only area that still uses “Hundred” in its name. See, #genealogy leads you to some interesting places, literally and figuratively. #geneadons #history
#brandywine #delaware #apportionment #generalassembly #wilmington #genealogy #geneadons #history
#VoltEuropa #Parteitag #GeneralAssembly
Und Euer Wochenende so? 🤣
#volteuropa #Parteitag #generalassembly
I've just had a former coworker tell me I should look into a #generalassembly #ux boot camp. I'm open to the idea, but it's VERY expensive. Has anyone else in my network actually gone through it? If so, did you find it worth the price? Did you find it helpful in landing a new job? Please comment or send me a direct message.
The #ChurchofScotland Assembly Trustees urge a bold approach to reforming #Scotland's national church. But this report on the #GeneralAssembly lays bare the size of the challenge: 48% of members are aged 64-85, and of 593 full-time #ministers, 58 will retire in 2023
#ministers #generalassembly #scotland #ChurchofScotland
Das #EUFoodE-Konsortium trifft sich gerade in Paris zum #GeneralAssembly. Für das ILS sind die Wissenschaftlerinnen Anna Wissmann, Ann-Kristin Steines, Runrid Fox-Kämper und Kathrin Specht dabei.
Hier ein paar 📸 unseres Workshops zur Zukunft regionaler Ernährungssysteme. #ThinkGlobalEatLocal #H2020
#eufoode #generalassembly #thinkglobaleatlocal #h2020
Our Lisa Lewin is departing us today
For a new road she's ready to take
Where she'll bring her wise words and sharp forth looks
At Primary Venture Partners she'll make her mark
As CEO-in-residence, she won't be a shark
But with her wisdom, she'll help them embark
On a new journey of success, she'll be the steward
Her words the guide, her drive the forward
#vc #generalassembly #lisalewin #primaryventurepartners #ode #poetry
#vc #generalassembly #lisalewin #primaryventurepartners #ode #poetry
On March 29, the #UN #GeneralAssembly passed a landmark resolution asking the #ICJ for an advisory opinion on state obligations relating to #climatechange
KAREN C. SOKOL argues that the resolution offers a glimpse into more equitable international governance.
#un #generalassembly #icj #climatechange
I just took action to urge my State Representative to repeal PA's #ClosedPrimaries, which bar almost 1.3 million Pennsylvanians from participating each year. You can do the same here:
#BallotPA #PA #Pennsylvania #OpenPrimaries #Democracy #Politics #GeneralAssembly
Learn more about BallotPA at:
#closedprimaries #ballotpa #pa #pennsylvania #openprimaries #democracy #politics #generalassembly
It's a common hustle among major pro sports franchises who put the arm on taxpayers to build opulent new playpens for their lucrative teams: socialize the costs, privatize the profits. Virginia (and Virginians) should not be forced to finance a new stadium for Dan Snyder and his football team.
My Virginia Mercury column for Feb. 21, 2023.
#nflfootball #generalassembly #virginia #washingtondc #taxes
#nflfootball #generalassembly #virginia #WashingtonDC #taxes
#UN #GeneralAssembly to Vote on Resolution Pushing for 'Just and Lasting Peace' in #ukraine
"We count on very broad support from the membership," said an E.U. diplomat. "What is at stake is not just the fate of Ukraine, it is the respect of the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of every state."
Yesterday was the last day for each chamber of the #Virginia #GeneralAssembly to act on its own legislation. Here's where #CampaignFinance reforms stand in the commonwealth.🧵(1/7)
#virginia #generalassembly #campaignfinance
dozens of People's Agenda submissions ID'd legislation by name. what happened to *those* bills? #VAPol #VALeg #generalassembly
#vapol #valeg #generalassembly
Ich bin gerade auf der #GeneralAssembly der #PiratePartiesInternational zum #BoardMember gewählt worden, ich danke allen anwesenden Ländern für das Vertrauen und der #InternationalenKoordination und dem BuVo der @piratenpartei für die Nominierung.
#PPIGA22 #PPI #internationalpirates
#generalassembly #piratepartiesinternational #boardmember #internationalenkoordination #ppiga22 #PPI #internationalpirates
Due to an absolutely bizarre situation, the balance of the PA State Assembly all comes down to 3 special elections in Easter Allegheny County. It's a perfect time to get together at a great local coffee shop in Penn Hills and talk about the race, the candidates, and the state of PA politics. All on ground hogs day eve. Hope you can make it. #FWD #ForwardParty #RCV #Pittsburgh #AlleghenyCounty #SpecialElection #GeneralAssembly #PA32 #PA34 #PA35
#fwd #forwardparty #rcv #pittsburgh #AlleghenyCounty #specialelection #generalassembly #pa32 #pa34 #pa35
There was some debate today in the #Virginia #GeneralAssembly Privileges and Elections committee over how many states DO NOT limit political contributions to state politicians — 11 or 5? FWIW: The answer is five, when accounting for states that prohibit direct contributions from corporations, and for, when accounting for an Alabama law that limits the amount of money a state candidate can receive from a federal candidate. #CampaignFinance #MoneyInPolitics
#virginia #generalassembly #campaignfinance #MoneyInPolitics
Today in #Connecticut History, December 30: Mutiny at “Connecticut’s Valley Forge”
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#18thcentury #americanrevolution #connecticuthistory #connecticutparks #december #generalassembly #historicpreservation #hudsonrivervalley #israelputnam #militaryhistory #newyorkcity #putnammemorialstatepark #redding #revolutionarywar #valleyforge
#connecticut #18thcentury #americanrevolution #connecticuthistory #connecticutparks #december #generalassembly #historicpreservation #hudsonrivervalley #israelputnam #militaryhistory #newyorkcity #putnammemorialstatepark #redding #revolutionarywar #valleyforge
Today in #Connecticut History, December 26: The Governor Who Refused to Leave Office
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#19thcentury #aetnainsurancecompany #baseball #boardofalderman #civilwar #connecticutgovernors #connecticuthistory #connecticutpoliticans #crowbargovernor #december #democraticeasthaddam #eliphaletadamsbulkeley #generalassembly #generalgeorgemcclellan #hartford #hartforddarkblues #insurance #morganbulkeley
#connecticut #19thcentury #aetnainsurancecompany #baseball #boardofalderman #civilwar #connecticutgovernors #connecticuthistory #connecticutpoliticans #crowbargovernor #december #democraticeasthaddam #eliphaletadamsbulkeley #generalassembly #generalgeorgemcclellan #hartford #hartforddarkblues #insurance #morganbulkeley
Today in #Connecticut History, December 22: Newgate Prison Jails Its First Inmate. But Not For Long.
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#18thcentury #americanrevolution #captainjohnviets #connecticutcourant #connecticuthistory #connecticutindustry #connecticutstatedepartmentofeconomicandculturaldevelopment #crime #crimeandpunishment #criminallaw #december #eastgranby #generalassembly #historicpreservation #johnhinson #loyalists #mining
#connecticut #18thcentury #americanrevolution #captainjohnviets #connecticutcourant #connecticuthistory #connecticutindustry #connecticutstatedepartmentofeconomicandculturaldevelopment #crime #crimeandpunishment #criminallaw #december #eastgranby #generalassembly #historicpreservation #johnhinson #loyalists #mining
Design Milk : Top 10 Skim Milk Posts of 2022 #apolloarchitects&associates #andAdelinedeMonseignat #paolocossuarchitects #MarioGarcíaTorres #2022YearinReview #HomeFurnishings #GeneralAssembly #InteriorDesign #BureaudeChange #Architecture #BrianThoreen #ArcaWynwood #KevinCurran #MASAGaleria #NiñosHeroes #Bestof2022 #GamFratesi #MarkHolmes #part&whole #EWEStudio #Space10
#apolloarchitects #andadelinedemonseignat #paolocossuarchitects #mariogarciatorres #2022yearinreview #homefurnishings #generalassembly #interiordesign #bureaudechange #architecture #brianthoreen #arcawynwood #kevincurran #masagaleria #ninosheroes #bestof2022 #gamfratesi #markholmes #part #ewestudio #space10