People need to start not buying stuff, troll the shops and ask boisterously for #phones, displays, computers, #cars, that don't have fingerprinting, don't have Goo', M'Shaft or (f)Apple, malware. Hardware that has foss firmwares, etc.
#phones #cars #computing #generalcomputing #startnotbuyingstuff
Antifa, but totally don't care about the violence their own nation is inflicting upon other nations, including via #expansionist foreign policy
Antifa but say a peep about persecuted journalist, Assange.
Antifa, but totally doesn't understand how important #generalComputing and #proofOfWork is to stop oligarchy.
Antifa, but totally is fine with the technoFascist CAGEMAFIA being in bed with govt.
#expansionist #generalcomputing #proofofwork
@benny @ParadeGrotesque
"Give me power over the money supply and we care not who write it #code (-we mean: #laws)."
All of the fascist CAGEMAFIA (incl. CloudGlare, ScAmazon, Goo, TurdsiteBuyer) are a threat to #generalComputing and to humanity, and must be destroyed, if we are ever to be free.
Thank us later.
We need a return to saving… conserving, and finally we have a decentralised Bitcoin currency that can help us do that.
Finally a #deflationaryCurrency that rewards people who save, and who aren't consuming and speculating relentlessly with fresh cash from #moneyPrinting. Watch them try to bait-and-switch into #CentralBankDigitalCurrencies.
We must foster #generalComputing where everyone has freedom to control how their #computer works.
#deflationarycurrency #moneyPrinting #CentralBankDigitalCurrencies #generalcomputing #computer
Computers are going backwards at a staggering rate.
Ten years ago you could share a large file with your friends and family without Goog, (sc)Amazon or other CAGEMAFIA systems involved in the process — today, this is almost impossible, without #I2P.
If you thought #Onionshare might work, it was not functional last we tried using it.
#technoFeudalism #smartDevices #dangerousDevices #computers #computing #generalComputing #useI2P
#i2p #onionshare #technofeudalism #smartDevices #dangerousdevices #computers #computing #generalcomputing #usei2p
Having said all that, there is no bitcoin or monero without secure and ethical computing systems, and people who can think.
As we speak very corrupt fascists #printMoney to work on methods of undermining even #computers. They seem adament in making #GeneralComputing a radical, fringe act, while producing daily #FUDD (an added 'd' for distraction).
We must all strive to educate, while securing and maintaining general computing and the software running on the general computer.
#printMoney #computers #generalcomputing #fudd
In light of attacks on #generalComputing, our mind goes to a phrase the bitcoin community coined in 2016/17.
The term "#UserActivatedSoftFork", or #UASF, was small bitcoin node operators resisting the bigs' attempt to have large blockSizes which would compromise #security of #Bitcoin.
The #bigTechBlocker is similar. Its a '#UserActivatedAntitrustLaw' that prevents the decent into #technoFeudalism. And hyper-#massSurveillance.
#generalcomputing #useractivatedsoftfork #uasf #security #bitcoin #bigtechblocker #useractivatedantitrustlaw #technofeudalism #masssurveillance