How good of the Communist Party of China to arrange for its spies in the UK Parliament to be exposed in time to give the Sunday Times a scoop while Rishi Sunak was talking to the Chinese leadership at the G20 in India - it gave the British PM something to talk about other than his complete lack of progress on world economic, environmental, human rights or other issues.
Spoiler Alert: the agents were arrested in MARCH but the press were alerted only in time for the G20.
Good Morning, all
The Nastiz' Foreign Secretary James Cleverly channeling the latest government ad campaign on #R4Today: 'Most prisoners in the Untied Kingdom will not escape today...'
#generalelectionnow #danielkhalife #wandsworthprisonbreak #r4today
Forget Riski Sunak.
Forget Wishi Washi Sunak.
From now on we should referred to our weak and mendacious Prime Minister as Chicken Little.
It's perfect. He's Little. And, though he was wrong to think the Sky is Falling, it was the RAAC And Ruin in our skools he failed to do anything about.
#RAACandRuin #RAAC
#ConcreteGate #ConcreteSchools
#C4News #LBC #Newsnight
#generalelectionnow #newsnight #LBC #c4news #concreteschools #concretegate #raac #raacandruin
Anyone else feel it fair to say that with the Tories and then the Nastiz in power for THIRTEEN YEARS this country, the Untied Kingdom, is going to RAAC And Ruin...
We shouldn't have to wait 12-18 months to remedy this - #GeneralElectionNow!
#RAAC #RAACandRuin #ConcreteGate #ConcreteSchools
#C4News #LBC #Newsnight
#newsnight #LBC #c4news #concreteschools #concretegate #raacandruin #raac #generalelectionnow
#R4Today reports a History Teacher has estimated that at Riski Sunak's much vaunted "We're building 50 schools a year" boast, those of England's 22,000 schools founded five years before the Spanish Armada sailed (1583 CE) would only now be coming up for replacement...
"Effing good job," Rishi Sunak.
Refreshing to find a Chicken Little who doesn't believe the sky is falling.
And where's the Slithy Gove? The Blob would like to speak to him.
#generalelectionnow #concreteschools #concretegate #r4today
Good Morning, all
So the Government wants us all to congratulate us (in Gillian Keegan's words) for "an effing good job" in that it has rebuilt 500 schools but to blame local authorities, academy trusts and everyone else except the Department of Educashun for deliberately deciding not to proceed with the plans to rebuild others, including those affected by #RAAC.
Omnishambles, not...
#R4Today #LBC #ConcreteGate
#ConcreteSchools #GeneralElectionNow!
#generalelectionnow #concreteschools #concretegate #LBC #r4today #raac
Another Benefit Of Brexit!
Still, if they build out far enough... we wouldn't need to queue for ferries or the Chunnel; we could just queue at the second land border with the EU.
#GeneralElectionNow! #Rejoin
Good Morning, all
Cannot wait for the next #PMQs. Am only sad that the Beast of Bolsover is no longer in his favoured seat - the opposition front bench on t'other side of the gangway...
You can imagine his question to Rishi Sunak if he hadn't left Parliament at the last GE: "Does the Prime Minister think that his Education Secretary Gillian Keegan has done 'a fucking good job'?"
As it'd include a direct quote from the minister, how could the Speaker disallow it?
#raac #generalelectionnow #pmqs
With his new appointments of Shapps and Coutinho to Defence and Energy, Rishi Sunak "has prioritised loyalty over party unity" says #c4news
And competence and regard for the British People come a distant third and fourth?
#generalelectionnow #nastizout #toriesout #SunakOut #c4news
The new appointments to Rishi Sunak's Cabinet are, in full:
#generalelectionnow #nastizout #toriesout #SunakOut
I notice the BBC article about him says that he's one of the Nasty Party's most experienced ministers, and also that this is his 5th ministerial post inside a year, although they don't tell us if he's chosen a new name for this latest position.
Not a completer/finisher type, clearly.
#GrantShapps #UKDefenceMinister #ToryReshuffle #NoTalent #SendHelpPlease #GeneralElectionNOW
#GrantShapps #ukdefenceminister #toryreshuffle #notalent #sendhelpplease #generalelectionnow
Grant Shapps is the new Secretary of State for Defence???
Not sure how Grant Shapps will pass Developed Vetting as I'm damn certain that neither Corinne Stockheath nor Sebastian Fox nor even Michael Green could pass DV...
#ToriesOut! #SunakOut!
#generalelectionnow #SunakOut #toriesout
So let me get this straight - under this #ToryCorruption enabling gov, if you're on #UniversalCredit and through no fault of your own were overpaid, you have to pay up to £5000 back, BUT if you're a #ToryPeer like #MichelleMone or other VIP donor, you can write-off a few BILLION with not a single penny recouped...
Did I get that right?
#GTTO #ToryFascistDictatorship #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis
#generalelectionnow #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #ToryFascistDictatorship #gtto #michellemone #torypeer #universalcredit #ToryCorruption
Remember when the "leader" of the Scottish tory party backed #DimLizzy Truss? The ones that tanked the economy in a few weeks, the party that has screwed the country #BrexitBrokeBritain, the one #TorySewageParty that is destroying rivers over regulating and fining #WaterCompanies, that is prolonging the #CostOfLivingCrisis is trying to dispense financial advice...
The non-entity that boris couldn't even name... 🤷
#GTTO #GeneralElectionNow
#generalelectionnow #gtto #Costoflivingcrisis #watercompanies #TorySewageParty #BrexitBrokeBritain #dimlizzy
Stole this from someone who stole it - can't credit as no ideal who made the original but it's very accurate.
#GTTO #ToryFascistDictatorship
#ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #GeneralElectionNow
#generalelectionnow #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #ToryFascistDictatorship #gtto
Some good news - #NadineDorris has finally resigned.
Lets hope her constituency does the right thing and now vote in another corrupt useless tory.
#GTTO #TorySewageParty #ToryCorruption #ToryCostOfLivingCrisis
#ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #GeneralElectionNow
Her resignation whine, I mean letter in full.
#generalelectionnow #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #ToryCostOfLivingCrisis #ToryCorruption #TorySewageParty #gtto #nadinedorris
Sunak’s actions over wife’s shareholdings breached MPs’ code of conduct
Parliamentary commissioner for standards says PM inadvertently broke transparency rules by failing to declare wife’s interest in firm
This corruption is just never ending #GeneralElectionNow
@bloodravenlib @Radical_EgoCom
TBH, I'd always viewed it as a civic duty to lie to pollsters. I mean, there's only one outcome that matters. Polling (and the reporting thereon) prior to an election is simply a pre-emptive attempt at voter manipulation. You may call it propaganda. Oligarchs call it polling. Or reporting. Or news.
#GTTO #GeneralElectionNow
Good Morning, all
#R4Today presenter Nick Robinson fobbed off by Conservative MP Tim Loughton over concerns senior executives are fobbing off concerns about alleged thefts from the British Museum...
"Move along, nothing to see here" doubly apposite, one feels.
"This way to the Egress" (as Barnum would say).
There's not a reshuffle in the world that can turn this into a decent, responsible, serious government that works for (the) people.