#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A2CF48 Tail: #N280PH
Owner: #GeneralMotors
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G500
2023/09/11 10:02:08
#GLF5 #MOPAR #Cadillac #Buick https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors
#planealert #a2cf48 #n280ph #generalmotors #gulfstream #glf5 #mopar #cadillac #buick
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A2CF48 Tail: #N280PH Flt: #GJE622
Owner: #GeneralMotors
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G500
2023/09/11 09:20:22
#GLF5 #MOPAR #Cadillac #Buick https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors
#planealert #a2cf48 #n280ph #gje622 #generalmotors #gulfstream #glf5 #mopar #cadillac #buick
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A2CF48 Tail: #N280PH Flt: #GJE622
Owner: #GeneralMotors
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G500
2023/09/10 13:36:44
#GLF5 #MOPAR #Cadillac #Buick https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors
#planealert #a2cf48 #n280ph #gje622 #generalmotors #gulfstream #glf5 #mopar #cadillac #buick
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A2CF48 Tail: #N280PH Flt: #GJE622
Owner: #GeneralMotors
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G500
2023/09/10 11:24:18
#GLF5 #MOPAR #Cadillac #Buick https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors
#planealert #a2cf48 #n280ph #gje622 #generalmotors #gulfstream #glf5 #mopar #cadillac #buick
#Vietnam - EV-maker VinFast's wild ride points to need for stock health warnings
> Just five years ago, Vietnam’s #VinFast Auto Ltd. started to produce its first cars. Last week, the electric-vehicle maker was briefly valued at more than the combined worth of #Ford Motor Co., #GeneralMotors Co. and #Volkswagen AG.
https://archive.fo/7eTmM #SouthEastAsia #TootSea #ev #electricvehicles
#ElectricVehicles #ev #tootsea #southeastasia #volkswagen #generalmotors #ford #Vinfast #Vietnam
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A2CF48 Tail: #N280PH Flt: #GJE622
Owner: #GeneralMotors
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G500
2023/09/06 21:25:03
#GLF5 #MOPAR #Cadillac #Buick https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors
#planealert #a2cf48 #n280ph #gje622 #generalmotors #gulfstream #glf5 #mopar #cadillac #buick
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A2CF48 Tail: #N280PH Flt: #GJE622
Owner: #GeneralMotors
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G500
2023/09/01 19:54:52
#GLF5 #MOPAR #Cadillac #Buick https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors
#planealert #a2cf48 #n280ph #gje622 #generalmotors #gulfstream #glf5 #mopar #cadillac #buick
Mentre General Motors è pronta per tornare in Europa in autunno, nascono nuove collaborazioni tra General Motors e Google Cloud per soluzioni IA.
General Motors, la nota casa automobilistica di Detroit, sta ampliando la partnership con Google Cloud per includere funzionalità di intelligenza artificiale avanzata nelle sue auto. Martedì General motors e Google Cloud hanno ...
Articolo completo
👉 https://gomoot.com/nuove-collaborazioni-tra-general-motors-e-google-cloud/
#gm #generalmotors #auto #ia #ai #googlecloud #bev #auto #autoeletriche
#gm #generalmotors #auto #ia #ai #googlecloud #BEV #autoeletriche
Electric Vehicle Charging Can Be Confusing. Here’s What to Know. - Many carmakers and charging companies are switching to the Tesla plug for electric vehicl... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/28/business/energy-environment/electric-vehicle-chargers-plugs-tesla.html #automobileserviceandchargingstations #unitedstatespoliticsandgovernment #infrastructure(publicworks) #electricandhybridvehicles #electrifyamericallc #evgoservicesllc #teslamotorsinc #bidenjosephrjr #generalmotors
#generalmotors #bidenjosephrjr #teslamotorsinc #evgoservicesllc #electrifyamericallc #electricandhybridvehicles #infrastructure #unitedstatespoliticsandgovernment #automobileserviceandchargingstations
#UAW workers vote to strike against Big Three automakers if they don't get 'fair deal'
The #UnitedAutoWorkers (UAW) union said Friday that an overwhelming majority of workers at the Big Three automakers — #Ford, #GeneralMotors and #Stellantis, formerly #Chrysler — voted to authorize a strike if they don't get "a fair deal" in contract negotiations.
"The Big Three's race to the bottom ends on September 14," UAW President Shawn Fain said Friday.
#uaw #unitedautoworkers #ford #generalmotors #stellantis #chrysler
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A2CF48 Tail: #N280PH Flt: #GJE622
Owner: #GeneralMotors
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G500
2023/08/25 14:16:32
#GLF5 #MOPAR #Cadillac #Buick https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors
#planealert #a2cf48 #n280ph #gje622 #generalmotors #gulfstream #glf5 #mopar #cadillac #buick
@Isabeau @Elarcis
"La République" est au mains des #capitalistes et les capitalistes ont tout intérêt à privilégier l'extrême-droite afin de garder leurs intérêts/privilèges.
Ils savent très bien ce qu'ils font et croire que "quand même, la République et l'Europe n'auraient pas laissé faire ça" c'est naïf ou hypocrite.
Dans les années 30, le petit moustachu avait écrit son bouquin et serrait les pognes de la #bourgeoisie.
#capitalistes #bourgeoisie #ford #gm #generalmotors #kennedy #prescottbush
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A2CF48 Tail: #N280PH Flt: #GJE622
Owner: #GeneralMotors
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G500
2023/08/22 17:32:16
#GLF5 #MOPAR #Cadillac #Buick https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors
#planealert #a2cf48 #n280ph #gje622 #generalmotors #gulfstream #glf5 #mopar #cadillac #buick
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A2CF48 Tail: #N280PH Flt: #GJE622
Owner: #GeneralMotors
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G500
2023/08/21 14:57:15
#GLF5 #MOPAR #Cadillac #Buick https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors
#planealert #a2cf48 #n280ph #gje622 #generalmotors #gulfstream #glf5 #mopar #cadillac #buick
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A2CF48 Tail: #N280PH Flt: #GJE622
Owner: #GeneralMotors
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G500
2023/08/19 11:46:54
#GLF5 #MOPAR #Cadillac #Buick https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors
#planealert #a2cf48 #n280ph #gje622 #generalmotors #gulfstream #glf5 #mopar #cadillac #buick
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A2CF48 Tail: #N280PH Flt: #GJE622
Owner: #GeneralMotors
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G500
2023/08/19 11:01:57
#GLF5 #MOPAR #Cadillac #Buick https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors
#planealert #a2cf48 #n280ph #gje622 #generalmotors #gulfstream #glf5 #mopar #cadillac #buick
Acura unveils its first GM-based electric vehicle, the new ZDX - Enlarge / This is Acura's first battery-electric vehicle, the new ZDX. ... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1961507 #acurazdxa-spec #acurazdxtype-s #electricacura #generalmotors #electricsuv #newacuraev #acurazdx #acuraev #ultium #honda #cars
#cars #honda #ultium #acuraev #acurazdx #newacuraev #electricsuv #generalmotors #electricacura #acurazdxtype #acurazdxa
Ars Technica: Acura unveils its first GM-based electric vehicle, the new ZDX https://arstechnica.com/?p=1961507 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #AcuraZDXA-Spec #AcuraZDXType-S #electricacura #GeneralMotors #electricSUV #newacuraEV #AcuraZDX #acuraev #Ultium #honda #Cars
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #acurazdxa #acurazdxtype #electricacura #generalmotors #electricSUV #newacuraev #acurazdx #acuraev #ultium #honda #cars
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A2CF48 Tail: #N280PH Flt: #GJE622
Owner: #GeneralMotors
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G500
2023/08/16 06:39:45
#GLF5 #MOPAR #Cadillac #Buick https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors
#planealert #a2cf48 #n280ph #gje622 #generalmotors #gulfstream #glf5 #mopar #cadillac #buick
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A2CF48 Tail: #N280PH Flt: #GJE622
Owner: #GeneralMotors
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G500
2023/08/14 12:57:29
#GLF5 #MOPAR #Cadillac #Buick https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors
#planealert #a2cf48 #n280ph #gje622 #generalmotors #gulfstream #glf5 #mopar #cadillac #buick