Confidence in Supreme Court Drops to Lowest in 50 Years: Survey #SupremeCourt #PublicConfidence #GeneralSocialSurvey @GSS_NORC #Abortion #RoeVWade #abortionrights #politicaliq #news #politics
#supremecourt #publicconfidence #generalsocialsurvey #abortion #RoeVWade #abortionrights #politicaliq #News #politics
". . . Some of the more shocking results include the proportion of respondents who believe black people are more likely to live in poverty due to their lack of willpower and motivation: 55% of white Republicans and 26% of white Democrats.
Another question, as to whether blacks are inherently lazier, revealed 42% of white Republicans agree, compared to 24% of white Democrats.
Yet the gap was considerably smaller when it came to intellect — 26% of white Republicans and 18% of white Democrats believe black people are less intelligent. . . ."
#racism #democrats #republicans #generalsocialsurvey