**Sidewinder restocked for Eurofurence**
We got a delivery of Sidewinder Creations toys (English / German).A but delayed but still in time for out appearance at Eurofurence.(We are however still waiting for a highly delayed DPD shipment from Bad Wolf)All of the 56 toys are back in stock.
**New DHL prices for October**
We just received the new DHL prices for October.No major surprises. We have prepared the new prices for the shop and will upload them, when the time comes.They no longer give a comprehensive list of all their surcharges in the price list.This makes it quite complicated.The Energy-Surcharge gets lowered to 0.DHL hinted that the Maut+CO2 surcharge may be lowered in a few
#GeneralTopics #DHL
**DHL removed Entergy Surcharge**
The monthly changing "Energy Surcharge" introduced by DHL at the beginning of this year,was reduced to 0% for this and the next month.
We have lowered our DHL shipping prices for Germany accordingly
#GeneralTopics #DHL
**Flurb Me restocked**
The recently announced delivery by FurbMe just arrived.As usual with FlurbMe, everything is back in stock now.
The Draggy
**New toys coming soon!**
We just got the notification that a shipment containing some new toy models will be shipped very soon.Stay tuned!No spoilers yet. ;)
**DHL „Energy Surcharge“ stable**
Looks like the DHL "Energy Surcharge" stays stable at 2.5% and we don't have to adjust our DHL shipping prices for Aril.We will however be able to ever so slightly lower them for May.
#GeneralTopics #DHL
The special kind of spam you get as a business...
**FurAffinity Banner**
Due to the current inflation and uncertainty, business it down a lot.We took this opportunity to test an ad banner on FurAffinity for a month.
Strangely, their ad-report shows significantly more clicks then our fa-specific landing page counted requests.
New DHL prices for February
With DHL lowering it's "energy-surcharge" from 3,75% to 2,50%, we can lower the prices for shipping within Germany starting today for at least February and March. The surcharge for April will be announced by DHL at the end of February.
As announced, we have to increase shipping prices to Austria (the one without kangaroos) to offset the cost of their new recycling laws not ha
DHL Germany on strike today
The worker's union Verdi announced a strike at DHL for today.So parcels and mail may get delayed a bit.
WWII bomb disposal near YiffyToys
Today we had to evacuate for a World War II aerial bomb disposal.This is the second time this happened to us.Now we're allowed back into the YiffyToys shop.Everything went smoothly.
Sadly these things are still a very common occurence in Germany.You're lucky if one is found and disposed instead of them blowing up on their own.Acid time delay fuses are just a bitch
Some Exotic Erotics prices lowered
As announced, we have finally lowered the prices of all imported toys due to the relaxed exchange rates between Euro and US-Dollar.The last manufacturer we worked out way through was Exotic Erotics.
Note that there is also a delivery by Exotic Erotics currently on the way to restock many toys.
#GeneralTopics #ExoticErotics
Lower prices for Horny Ram
With the improved EUR/USD exchange rates, we have now lowered the prices for Horny Ram toys.e.g. the Large Ekino from 192.56 to 188€ and the Brutus from 155 down to 118€
#GeneralTopics #HornyRam
Lower prices for FoxyRabbit
The EUR/USD exchange rate has stopped it's free fall, that started in May 2021 and may have stabilized in the 1.05-1.07 EUR/USD range.This allowed us to lower the prices for imported toys from FoxyRabbit
Back in mid-2021, it started it's nose-dive at 1.22 Euro for every DollarWhile this does not seem like much, it translates to quite a difference for toys that cost
#GeneralTopics #FoxyRabbit
new 2023 DHL prices
We have activated the new DHL prices in the YiffyToys shop.Some prices have gone down, som up.The majority of you will pay a slightly lower price when selecting "DHL" as the shipping method in checkout.
Zetacreations shipment immanent
We will reopen shipping on Monday.Today we received the invoice for the shipping fees of a Zetacreations shipment,that we expect to arrive in the second week of January.
#DisturbingDildoDeliveries #GeneralTopics #Zetacreations
#disturbingdildodeliveries #generaltopics #zetacreations
Holidays 2022
Just as every year, we will be on vacation and there will be no shipping during the holidays.Contrary to last year, we will not open again between Christmas and New-Year.The shop is closed from 2019-12-17 until New-Year.This blog posting will be updated as new information comes in.
Last orders
The last shipping will happen on 2019-12-16 for orders played and fully payed on 2022-12-15 20:00. If you s
Our credit card used the wrong exchange rate on us
Looks like our credit card used for our own US orders has charged us a wrong exchange rate for an oder payed on the first of November.Their price-list says they would use the mastercard exchange rate and where to look it uo. However that gives a different rate for that date then the one they actually charged.
Pretty dump hacking attempt on our shop server
We noticed a fairly stupid (failed) hacking attemp in our server by placing an order with code-injection.
It's a simple and fairly bad attempt to get the shop to download and execure some PHP-malware.The malware is very generic and probably just off-the-shelf.The attempt was very rudimentary and made in a way that would instan
UK Royal Mail strike ended
The strike of Royal Mail will not happen at least in the next two weeks.Limitations with shipping to UK customers are thus lifted.