I'd like to say Michon and Dilip Numeor Amelia Chetana Wallar and Kid 2 and Kidlet are settled in now, we've found a nice rhythm that works for everyone and it's all good.
But I try not to lie.
It's been... god, it's been.
Don't get me wrong -- having them here has been wonderful and I'm sure we will settle into that rhythm... eventually.
But first we've got to get through all the hell
I Should Be Promoting my Book, but…
You may have noticed I haven't been around much this month -- either here, on Patreon, or on social media.
That's because the most amazing awful thing happened and I am still reveling in it.
Amazing awful?
Yup. See, it's kinda awful for someone when they are supposed to move into a new apartment and learn at the last
#Blog #GenerationalHome #Generationalhome #groupliving #Murphy
#blog #generationalhome #groupliving #murphy