TV TONIGHT (August 17)
#TheUpshaws #KillingIt #Warrior #AloneShow #HeyYahoo #ColdCaseFiles #ALifeTooShort #MyDadTheBountyHunter #GenerationGap #FightToSurvive #MySonDidntDoIt #JSFamilyVacation #BB25 #60DaysIn #ProjectRunway #TacomaFD #WWDITS #LoveIsland
#loveisland #wwdits #TacomaFD #ProjectRunway #60daysin #bb25 #jsfamilyvacation #mysondidntdoit #fighttosurvive #generationgap #mydadthebountyhunter #alifetooshort #coldcasefiles #heyyahoo #aloneshow #warrior #killingit #theupshaws
TV TONIGHT (August 10)
#Painkiller #FightToSurvive #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #AverageJoe #LoveInTaipei #TheChallengeUSA #Revealed #FIFAWomensWorldCup #AloneShow #JSFamilyVacation #WhatWeDoInTheShadows #TacomaFD #GenerationGap #Botched #60DaysIn
#60daysin #botched #generationgap #TacomaFD #whatwedointheshadows #jsfamilyvacation #aloneshow #fifawomensworldcup #revealed #TheChallengeUSA #loveintaipei #averagejoe #startrekstrangenewworlds #fighttosurvive #painkiller
TV TONIGHT (August 3)
#Heartstopper #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #Botched #TheLincolnLawyer #JSFamilyVacation #VladAndNiki #HartToHeart #DemonsAndSaviors #Zom100 #NFLPreseason #ProjectRunway #60DaysIn #GenerationGap #WildNOut #WhatWeDoInTheShadows #Outchefd
#outchefd #whatwedointheshadows #wildnout #generationgap #60daysin #ProjectRunway #nflpreseason #zom100 #demonsandsaviors #harttoheart #vladandniki #jsfamilyvacation #TheLincolnLawyer #botched #startrekstrangenewworlds #heartstopper
TV TONIGHT (July 13)
#TheBlacklist #WWDITS #SurvivalOfTheThickest #FullCircle #ISurvivedBearGrylls #ProjectGreenlight #GrayMatter #TheJewelThief #Resolved #GenerationGap #AGhostRuinedMyLife #60DaysIn #ProjectRunway #AloneOnHistory #Outchefd
#outchefd #aloneonhistory #ProjectRunway #60daysin #aghostruinedmylife #generationgap #resolved #thejewelthief #graymatter #projectgreenlight #isurvivedbeargrylls #fullcircle #survivalofthethickest #wwdits #TheBlacklist
#TheLincolnLawyer #HartToHeart #AskingForAFriend #MyAdventuresWithSuperman #CelebrityGameFace #ShaunWhite #DeepFakeLove #GenerationGap #BreakingTheIce #BarnwoodBuilders #ProjectRunway #60DaysIn #DeadFiles #MurderInTheBigApple
#murderinthebigapple #deadfiles #60daysin #ProjectRunway #BarnwoodBuilders #breakingtheice #generationgap #deepfakelove #shaunwhite #celebritygameface #myadventureswithsuperman #askingforafriend #harttoheart #TheLincolnLawyer
TV TONIGHT (June 29)
#TheWitcher #Warrior #ChristinaOnTheCoast #GenerationGap #TheChase #TheOtherTwo #TheReallyLoudHouse #ErinAndAaron #BratLovesJudy #SecretChef #SwipingAmerica #TenYearOldTom #TheBlacklist #DeadFiles #ATimeToKill #ProjectRunway
#ProjectRunway #ATimeToKill #deadfiles #TheBlacklist #tenyearoldtom #swipingamerica #secretchef #bratlovesjudy #erinandaaron #thereallyloudhouse #TheOtherTwo #thechase #generationgap #christinaonthecoast #warrior #TheWitcher
Kids today, teleporting to school, streaming multiverses, quantum smartphones! In my day, we built portals from scratch & dialed rotary phones.👴🚀 Adapt or get left behind, losers! #ThrowbackThursday #GenerationGap #RicksLifeTips #BitBook
#throwbackthursday #generationgap #rickslifetips #bitbook
I suspect #Millenials, generally, don't understand—but should—the relationship there was between the Boomers & the WW-II Generation: the "#GenerationGap;" that when Reagan went to war with higher education, it was #Boomer kids he was in conflict with. Likewise #GenZ might look at their relationship to Millennials vis-a-vis the relationship #GenX (the other half-generation) had to boomers at the corresponding time.
My observations of the one, reflect my recollections of the other.
#millenials #generationgap #boomer #genz #genx
Mimi Smartypants talks about an empty-feeling college campus and has a brilliant insight into social media vs. how things were in "our day," for the fellow Olds.
An excerpt from the blog Mimi Smartypants describing her experience at a college campus that seemed empty by some standards – she explains why college students may not just be lounging around on the quad:
#SocialMedia #blogs #MimiSmartypants #GenerationGap #CollegeLife
#socialmedia #blogs #mimismartypants #generationgap #collegelife
New Yorker: Generation-Specific Instructions for Filing Your Tax Return #NewYorker #Humor/DailyShouts #GenerationGap #IncomeTaxes #Satire #Humor
#newyorker #humor #generationgap #incometaxes #satire
Last night, I introduced my 12yo to one of my favorite movies fro when I was 12: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. The little villain-in-training called it boring. Boring!! Can you believe that?!
Raiders has plenty of flaws, to be sure, but I didn't think "boring" was one of them. Am I wrong?
#movies #GreatMovies #NostalgicMovies #80sMovies #IndianaJones #RaidersOfTheLostArk #Kids #Parenting #GenerationGap
#movies #greatmovies #nostalgicmovies #80smovies #indianajones #raidersofthelostark #kids #parenting #generationgap
My husband just made fun of me for knowing what iso9660 referred to without having to think about it. Apparently he's never really used CD-ROMs!
That funny #generationgap between older and younger Millenials :)
@Aristizle #moretags #age #generations #GenerationGap #WhyNobodyTalksAboutGenx #ThoseDarnKids #KidsTheseDays #GenerationalEquality #GenerationalExperiences #LegitQuestion #GenXIsGettingHeckOld #GenXProblems
#moretags #age #generations #generationgap #whynobodytalksaboutgenx #thosedarnkids #kidsthesedays #generationalequality #generationalexperiences #legitquestion #genxisgettingheckold #genxproblems
1960: This generation is bookish. Gets its information from books. We used to go out into the world and live experiences.
2000: This Internet generation gets information from Internet. We used to read half a library of books to get information.
2020: This generation gets info from Tiktok, Reels, and YT shorts. We used to watch hours of YouTube videos to glean info.
1960: This generation is bookish. Gets its information from books. We used to go out into the world and live experiences.
2000: This Internet generation gets information from Internet. We used to read half a library of books to get information.
2020: This generation gets info from Tiktok, Reels, and YT shorts. We used to watch hours of YouTube videos to glean info.
A young woman at work talks with every sentence ending in an exclamation point. It annoys this old man. (Get off my lawn!) #age #generationgap #generation
#age #generationgap #generation
This is impressive student work on the #GenerationGap between #youth and the #elderly in #Korea today, with a focus on #language. The intro drags a bit, but stick with it, I promise this is really good.
#language #korea #elderly #youth #generationgap