Looks like word of our book is getting out! Here are details if you missed it: https://popculthq.com/comics-take-a-trip-on-the-dodona-w-bechko-luckerts-the-space-between/ #comics #SciFi #generationship
#generationship #SciFi #Comics
What are your favorite generation ship stories? Authors, what have you written?
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It's review time! Today:
Ulysses reviews "The Stark Divide" by J. Scott Coatsworth: "I got caught up in Coatsworth’s startling vision; his scientific fantasy of a new colony formed by human genius on a failing Earth... the beginning of a great adventure, and (of course) the first of a nine-part series of books. How much fun will it be to see this saga of human survival unfold at the hands of its gifted creator? Five stars."
#review #scifi #queerscifi #generationship
It's review time! Today:
Ulysses reviews "The Stark Divide" by J. Scott Coatsworth: "I got caught up in Coatsworth’s startling vision; his scientific fantasy of a new colony formed by human genius on a failing Earth... the beginning of a great adventure, and (of course) the first of a nine-part series of books. How much fun will it be to see this saga of human survival unfold at the hands of its gifted creator? Five stars."
#review #scifi #queerscifi #generationship
Terraforming in 99 words:
> 2237 – 03 – 07
Starship Raven.
Departing Earth orbit.
Onboard systems reduced.
Power rerouted to propulsion system.
Maximum acceleration.
Destination arrival time: 42,327 Earth years.
> 44,564 – 07 – 23
Destination reached.
Asteroid mining drones dispatched.
Planetary entry sequence complete.
Metamorphosis protocol activated.
Generational fleet arrival: 27,424 EY.
> 57,309 – 04 – 14
Sea levels 62%.
Atmospheric composition: 12% oxygen, 81% carbon dioxide.
Surface vegetation 77%.
Habitation modules 4%.
Fleet arrival: 14,679 EY.
> 71,988 – 10 – 17
Ecosystem 100%.
Habitation modules 100%.
Human fleet population 72%.
Starship Raven shutdown.
> 73,651 – 03 – 07
“Raven, help, activate.”
Systems rebooting.
Ecosystem: critical.
Human population 2%.
Repair protocols activated.
© Rebecca Glaessner
Find the original over at https://rebeccaglaessner.com/2020/12/03/raven/
#flashfiction #writingcommunity #scifi #space #terraform #generationship #author
#scifiprompt #flashfiction #writingcommunity #scifi #space #terraform #generationship #author
#GenerationShip: A Thousand Waves
Today, we have made history. We have arrived in the Rahl star system. Our teachers said that this would complete the 5000th wave. ...
#SciFi, #HardSciFi, #Spacetravel, #GenerationShip
Full Post: https://octahedron.world/storylines/fourth-wave/09-thousand-waves?c=mst
#spacetravel #hardscifi #SciFi #generationship
#GenerationShip: New Home
The crews of the two ships formed a committee to plan the settlements when they approached their new star system. Some of the young people became experts in fields they would need. The committee was dominated by them.
The first task was to send out fast probes and search for the perfect habitat and the joy was huge when they actually found a suitable planet. The next mission was to send neuros and modellers to build homes and terraforming stations.
Also, they directly started developing plant types that could enrich the atmosphere quickly with enough oxygen to breathe. With a bit of luck, already the next generation, the children who had been born onboard the generation ships, could breathe outside the sealed habitats.
When they arrived, only the committee and a small group of pioneers moved onto the planet's surface. The rest stayed comfortably on board. Some of them waited several years until they decided to move to their new home.
#GenerationShip: The Trip
Ten thousand teenagers went on a journey from the Procyon system into their new life in the system of Luyten's Star.
As the journey was supposed to take 12 years, the ship actually was their home. It contained everything you need to live but also to prepare for the important task to build a fresh civilisation on another planet. There were bars and restaurants, entertainment stations as well as science and educational facilities.
The journey was split into three phases. A six months acceleration phase at 1g where they profited from their light sails and laser pulses, a long drifting phase in which gravity was generated by rotating habitats and an about 1 year long decelerating phase toward the end of the journey.
Many families had already been founded onboard the ship. This was explicitly encouraged. While the journey started with 12.880 passengers, there were 15.791 who arrived in Luyten's system.
Now it was time to find their new home.
#GenerationShip: To Luyten's Star
There was a giant party in the Procyon colony when the ships were inaugurated. Both cities, Loton and Racoon, have built redundant generation ships to perfectly safeguard their passage to Luyten's star, a tiny but promising star system that is only one lightyear away. A 12 years journey.
Now the detailed plans for the selection process started, just a year ahead of the departure. 10.000 adolescents between 16 and 20 were selected as passengers along with 2.000 experts responsible for ship, supplies, education and coordination.
The special training program for the chosen youngsters began the day after the inauguration. Those were the people that were supposed to form a new society from scratch. So they had to be prepared. Everyone got an individual trainer assigned. They went through terraforming strategies, behavioural training, exercises to adapt to different gravity and flight tests.
After a year, they were ready to embark.
#Generationship: The Third Wave
The chain continued and most of the projects that planted seeds in our universe have thrived. Especially the missions that found habitable planets grew rapidly and are on the brink of finishing a successful terraforming process.
The third wave has anchored in the Procyon system and built their habitats in shelter caves deep inside two suitable rocky planets. But also they could create a balanced and well off society.
Caused by the circumstances, they became masters of the crafts they needed. They build the most stable caves even in the oddest rock, they developed a beautiful architecture style especially for their transparent structures outside those caves and they are experts in geothermic power plants.
And now they are almost finished with their generation ships. As there are two colonies, they've constructed two sister ships to balance the odds.
#Generationship Alpha Centauri
Our neighbour solar system was quite a hostile place. Neither planet nor any moon was suitable for terraforming. The expeditions of the generation ship took ten years to find an appropriate place for a settlement.
They have chosen a rocky moon circling a calm planet around Alpha Centauri A. The moon had many connected cave systems and perfect exposition to the light of its star. They called it Bianor and from then on they were the Bianorians.
It took five more years until the first larger group moved into their habitats in the caves and a whole generation until everything was settled and not provisional anymore.
Then the new colony started its Sagittarius program again, set up a local interplanetary fleet and later started to dis- and re-assemble the huge generation starship for the next iteration.
500 years later the colony was thriving with 50 million people. They colonized a second planet, Cheiron.
The Generation Ship
The Sagittarius Foundation was successful. Much earlier than expected, in the year 2730, a huge starship was ready to set lightsail towards Alpha Centauri.
The vessel was gigantic. There was space for an initial population of 50.000 young people and 10.000 specialists of all ages and knowledge. A small, fully working society.
The ship could reach 8% of the speed of light. The journey included an acceleration, a drift and a deceleration phase and was supposed to take 50 years in total. The boarding generation would already reach their retirement age when they arrived at their destination. And another or even a third generation was supposed to be born on the ship along the way.
Except for some minor technical issues, the mission was a success and reached our neighbour star system in the year 2784. But Earth, the home planet would hear news about it not before 2788 and celebrated with a huge worldwide event.