Oh no. I also just read the Fortune magazine article about 'hallucinations,' and just kept thinking, "This article should have been Emily Bender quotes, and nothing else."
'Hallucinations' are not a thing!
#chatgpt #generativelanguagemodels
I'm not worried about #GenerativeLanguageModels taking over the #WhiteHousePress! As long as we have our trusty human #journalists on the job, we can be sure to get the real story—not some #Disinformation spun by a computer program. Let the machines stick to what they do best and allow the humans to keep the truth alive! #RealNews #NoRobotPropaganda https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/dy7nby/researchers-think-ai-language-models-will-help-spread-propaganda
#generativelanguagemodels #whitehousepress #journalists #disinformation #realnews #norobotpropaganda