Das einzige Spiel, das schon seit langem komplett ungespielt bei mir rumliegt, ist Genesys, wenn ich mich nicht irre.
Ich erinnere mich vage an einen Versuch, mal ein Spiel damit an den Start zu bekommen, der nie aus der Konzeptphase rausgekommen ist.
Es ist auch das einzige generische System, das ich besitze. Das erhöht den initialen Aufwand für eine Kampagne natürlich.
Vielleicht habe ich irgendwann nochmal eine Idee, die den Aufwand rechtfertigt.
Mein Lieblingssystem ist Fantasy Flight Star Wars/Genesys. Ich mag die vielen bunten Würfel und die Symbole und welche Möglichkeiten zur Interpretation sie bieten.
Ich mag auch die Skillbäume. Die bieten mehr Auswahl als die klassischen DnD-Aufstiege, fühlen sich aber thematisch konsistenter an als reine Point-Buy Systeme.
Leider bin ich noch nicht oft dazu gekommen, das ganze in Aktion zu sehen, vllt ein halbes Dutzend Sessions insgesamt.
#rpgaday2023 #pnpde #StarWarsFFG #genesys
9 Favorite Dice
Das sind definitiv die Würfelsets von FFG‘s #Genesys System am besten die Star Wars Variante. Die sind bis heute die coolste Alternative zu regulären Würfeln, wenn auch sehr spezifisch in der Anwendung.
#RPGaDay #pnpde #ttrpg (9/31)
#genesys #rpgaday #pnpde #ttrpg
@paoloredaelli Genesys would be the one I recommend taking a cheeky look at. #Genesys #RPG #TabletopGames
FINALLY finished running my Marvel Vampire game tonight! In the end it was only the first 2 players that started the campaign that were available to finish, but thats satisfying in its own rite. The Genesys rpg system worked perfectly for this short campaign, and I recommend it for anyone trying to do a 5-10 session campaign/adventure!
#ttrpg #genesys #rpg #marvel #vampires
Oooh, I'm excited to see supplements already being released for Embers of the Imperium!
The storyteller module for #FoundryVTT might make an excellent The Story So Far book for the players to add stuff to during the campaign.
Also seen is a Genesys fantasy setting inspired by Arcane, Innistrad, Pacts Arcane and Otherwise, and The Holver Alley Crew.
Land of Confusion #Genesys #Vinyl #VinylLove #yegdigs #yegmusic #NowPlaying
#genesys #vinyl #vinyllove #yegdigs #yegmusic #nowplaying
Running another session of this tonight! We've switched over to Genesys rpg from FATE cuz we're all super familiar with genesys from FFG's Star wars RPG. Tonight will be our first session with the genesys versions of characters and I'm super excited to be running non-starwars stuff in this system again! My last star wars campaign stopped playing like 2 months ago, and I've been missing the mechanics in my rpgs.
I changed the basis of this campaign slightly during play cuz it felt more compelling and in theme.
Heroes DID NOT succeed in taking Dracula's Castle. Their heads are on pikes. Dracula's motivation for an open World War is now that he is fed up with secrecy and disrespect. "The sun has [metaphorically] set for all mankind, and it will never rise under the rule of Dracula" type stuff.
My players tonight find themselves on a ship in a freighting harbour in Boston in the dead of night, having just freed and secured a few groups of human-trafficing victims. They will soon find out that the tactical security force aboard the ship is the least of their worries... 😈
#marvel #starwars #ttrpg #genesys #fate #vampires #dracula
Expect to see all the #CCaaS vendors discussing how they'll be using #generativeAI and large language models.
RT @brettweigl
#GenerativeAI holds incredible promise for CX applications, yet it’s important to keep key considerations in mind when you consider how to apply it. Check out our blog post, published today #genesys #ccaas #cx #customerexperience #AI
#ai #customerexperience #cx #genesys #generativeAI #CCaaS
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't #genesys founded on the belief that they were going to go out of their way to be fully compliant? - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/12/technology/sec-crypto-gemini-genesis.html
DAMN it feels good to support local game stores. Everyone's #DnD shelves are full, and everyone's sold out of #Pathfinder books. I got a set of #Genesys dice from one store and a #BossMonster expansion from another.
For real tho, everyone in the #TTRPG community: now is the time to shop local! A ton of those stores have a LOT of DnD stuff that just isn't selling (and that's good. fuck Hasbro & WotC). They need to know we won't throw the baby out with the bathwater with this #OGL hullabaloo.
#dnd #pathfinder #genesys #bossmonster #ttrpg #ogl
Hallo liebe #pnpde Gemeinde: Ich suche Spieler:innen für eine neue Online-Gruppe. Die Runde soll 1x im Monat ab Feb/März stattfinden. Ich plane One-Shots in verschiedenen Systemen (#StarWarsFFG, #Genesys, #DnD5e, #CallOfCthulhu, je nach Interesse) zu spielen. Wenn sich eine gut laufende Runde etabliert hat, können wir auch mal eine längere Kampagne spielen. Erforderlich sind Commitment & Zuverlässigkeit, gutes Headset und Freude am gemeinsamen Rollenspiel.
Anfragen bitte per DM.
Gerne boosten!
#pnpde #StarWarsFFG #genesys #dnd5e #callofcthulhu
@Morgunin Well, there are a few of us “Game Engine” #TTRPG types out here in the wilderness beyond #DnD. I have #SRD for #D20 #FATE #SavageWorlds #GENESYS #CortexPrime #YearZeroEngine #CepheusEngine #MongooseTraveller #AGE and probably a few more. I’m looking for my own #UFOTV and #Space1999 mash up using one of them. The adventure is finding the one which fits me the best, not finding the publisher who happens to hold the IP at the moment and fitting my gameplay to them.
#ttrpg #dnd #srd #d20 #fate #savageworlds #genesys #cortexprime #yearzeroengine #cepheusengine #mongoosetraveller #age #ufotv #space1999
@DarkestKale I tend to feel that a lot of early indie games were inspired by the idea that a bad GM can ruin a game by abuse of power, therefore GM power should be restricted. My answer to this is instead to try to be a good GM. #GURPS has as an optional rule "a player can pay a point to define a background detail" - #Genesys similarly with an advantage token. My approach is much more "please, suggest a thing if it occurs to you, and chances are I'll agree, but I may veto for Reasons. No cost."
Es gibt beim #StarWars RPG (#Genesys ) immer wieder mal die Situation, dass ich bei der Interpretation des Würfelergebnisses hänge.
Deshalb hab ich mir überlegt vorab mal aufzuschreiben wie sich Ergebnisse in bestimmten Situationen auswirken könnten. Und ich schreibe das hier auf: https://blog.nerdbits.de/posts/2022-12-11-interpretations-of-dice-results-1/
Anregungen sind willkommen! 🤗
I just got a new phone (old one’s screen died 😭) so I lost most of my #podcasts feed.
Looking for suggestions for #tabletoprpg (esp #faterpg #cortexprime, and #genesys) and #programming (esp #frontend, #golang and #csharp).
#podcasts #tabletoprpg #faterpg #cortexprime #genesys #programming #frontend #golang #csharp
#7TTRPGS that have influenced me in no particular order:
#MarvelSuperHeroesRPG (#4CSystem aka #FASERIP)
#FATE (and #FUDGE )
#ReignORE (and #ORE in general)
Gosh, that was harder than I thought it was going to be. Lot's of influential stuff missing there!
#7ttrpgs #marvelsuperheroesrpg #4csystem #faserip #fate #fudge #traveller #ironsworn #reignore #ore #starswithoutnumber #genesys