Sandy Lawrence · @swlawrence
33 followers · 173 posts · Server

AAAS: "Hello kitty, goodbye kittens? Gene therapy spays cats without surgery." Spaying or neutering cats + dogs has the added benefit of protecting against mammary cancer + other disorders. Globally, more than half of the approimately 1.5 billion dogs + cats are homeless. "Many die on the streets, victims of cars or disease; others are killed in mass culling campaigns that seek to protect wildlife or prevent the spread of rabies." Spay/neuter surgeries casn help, but large-scle sterilization of often feral animals is infeasible. 'David Pépin, a reproductive biologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, spent his early career researching antimüllerian hormone (AMH), which is produced by follicles in the ovary that give rise to eggs.' Pépin + colleagues inserted the AMH gene with a harmless virus often used to ferry replacement genes into cells with an injection into thigh muscles. The treated cats failed to ovulate, while the sham-injected controls remained fertile. One cat followed over 5 yrs continued to exhibit elevated AMH. A meeting is planned next month with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to map out larger safety + efficacy studies, but a commercial product will probably not be available for 5 yrs. Having far fewer unsupervised cats in the world would protect many birds + ecosystems.

#spayandneuter #genetherapies #overpopulation

Last updated 1 year ago

Gerardo Fortuna · @gerardofortuna
179 followers · 24 posts · Server

Good day to the new people coming in this new migration wave from the other platform!

This week, I wrote about a pretty interesting topic, - which by the way are not really a new thing.

Although they have been investigated by the pharmaceutical sector since the 1990s, it was only in 2012 that the first gene therapy was approved in the EU market.

Until now, only 23 products based on genetically modified cells have been authorised in Europe.

Check it out!


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