The news came last month but I'm still feeling amused by it! My first Doc article in partnership with Carmelo Bastos-Filho, my Doctorate Advisor, entitled "Evaluating Multi-Level Clustering Approaches to Route Sales Agents" has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE LA-CCI 2023 (Latin American Conference in Computer Intelligence).
This great news gave me extra energy to go further. #lacci #computerintelligence #clustering #geneticalgorithm #metaheuristics
#metaheuristics #geneticalgorithm #clustering #computerintelligence #lacci
Genetics4j 3.3 is out!
You can now auto load operators for selection, replacement, mutation, etc.
No need to manually register them.
See for all the details.
#geneticalgorithm #ai
3D Printed Aerospike was Designed by AI #ArtificialIntelligence #3dprintedrocketengine #generativedesign #geneticalgorithm #3dPrinterhacks #hybridrocket #aerospike #rocketry #rocket #Space
#ArtificialIntelligence #3dprintedrocketengine #generativedesign #geneticalgorithm #3dPrinterhacks #hybridrocket #aerospike #rocketry #rocket #space
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
Using a #geneticalgorithm to uncover new catalyst #molecules for organic synthesis @@WileyResearch @angew_chem
It's amazing realizing that a #GeneticAlgorithm is always finding new Neural Architectures but all of them have the same pattern and same results.
Where Beast Were Born #DevLog 2 is online! 🥳 🥳 🥳
🔊 🔊 Sound on!
It shows how creatures #evolve in-game for the first time.
Also features the death of 3000 creatures and some lame jokes.
Go check it out! All boosts very much appreciated! :)
#WhereBeastsWereBorn #GameDev #IndieDev #Game #GeneticAlgorithm
#geneticalgorithm #game #indiedev #gamedev #wherebeastswereborn #evolve #devlog
Second #DevLog is live! 🤩
Go check it out on YouTube:
- In-Game #Evolution
- New armor system
- Creepy creatures
#GameDev #IndieDev #Gaming #Experimental #Biology #ProcGen #GeneticAlgorithm
#geneticalgorithm #procgen #biology #experimental #gaming #indiedev #gamedev #evolution #devlog
5-Axis Printer Wants to Design Itself #generativedesign #geneticalgorithm #3dPrinterhacks #duetcontroller #3dprinting #parametric #3dprinter #slicing #5-Axis #reprap #slicer #Duex
#generativedesign #geneticalgorithm #3dPrinterhacks #duetcontroller #3dprinting #parametric #3dprinter #slicing #reprap #slicer #duex
5-Axis Printer Wants to Design Itself - RepRap 3D printers were designed with the ultimate goal of self-replicating machin... - #generativedesign #geneticalgorithm #3dprinterhacks #duetcontroller #3dprinting #parametric #3dprinter #slicing #5-axis #reprap #slicer #duex
#duex #slicer #reprap #slicing #3dprinter #parametric #3dprinting #duetcontroller #3dprinterhacks #geneticalgorithm #generativedesign
This is really awesome: I made the head more vulnerable than most of the other body and made the hitpoints of every body part proportonal to that part's volume - so after only a few generations these creatures with huge, well-armored heads evolve. They're slow due to their volume, but have a high number of hitpoints in their vital body parts (i.e. the head) and guard it very well with thick plates.
#Evolution #GameDev #IndieDev #RPG #GeneticAlgorithm #ProcGen
#procgen #geneticalgorithm #rpg #indiedev #gamedev #evolution
Out of different NP approximation algorithms e.g. greedy, heuristic, Tabu search, Monte Carlo, belief propagation, stochastic gradient descent, genetic algorithm, branch and bound, cutting plane... I think convex (algebraic) relaxation is the most beautiful way to solve it #convexanalysis #optimizations #AlgorithmsAreUs #programming #AIOverlord #geneticalgorithm :blobcatcoffee: :blobcatcoffee: :blobcatcoffee:
#geneticalgorithm #aioverlord #Programming #algorithmsareus #optimizations #convexanalysis
I've been trying to design a fitness function for doing Soft-Iron calibration of a #magnetometer sensor using a #geneticalgorithm and I realized the fitness func doesn't need to be super complicated (was originally thinking ellipsoid regression and using the eccentricity as the fitness).
Much faster to compute is to just compare the distance of each point against a point on the unit circle at the same angle. Boom. Extremely better fitness function.
And so far that's totally working!
#magnetometer #geneticalgorithm