Y- #DNA Discover Tool – Free Webinar
"You’re invited to join me for a free, live webinar about the Y-DNA Discover tool on Wednesday, August 30th, at 2 PM EDT, courtesy of Legacy Family Tree Webinars."
Pharos Tutors offers online courses in family history, local history and related topics.
#FamilyHistory #LocalHistory #Genealogy #OneNameStudy #OnePlaceStudy
#England #Wales #Scotland
#Ireland #Europe
#familyhistory #localhistory #Genealogy #onenamestudy #oneplacestudy #dna #geneticgenealogy #england #wales #scotland #ireland #europe #certificateprogrammes
To my mind the problem with the #IGG (Investigative #GeneticGenealogy ) in the #MoscowMurders / #IdahoMurders is not the role in getting to the arrest in question, but the possibility it may not have been done at all.
We know of past FBI parrallel construction transgressions... 'IGG tips/leads' without any substantiating evidence of effort is - or risks being - cover for mass domestic surveillance, ostensibly undisclosed under the guise of 'privacy'.
Thus I think should be in disclosure...
#igg #geneticgenealogy #moscowmurders #idahomurders
Forensic genetic genealogists skirted GEDmatch privacy rules by searching users who explicitly opted out of sharing DNA with law enforcement.
A nice #DNA match has just shown up in my match list, a 3rd cousin twice removed on dad's side of the family. #GeneticGenealogy
If you have a group of #DNA matches who you can tie to a common ancestor, but want to know how you might be related to those other matches, then the "What Are The Odds" tool may be right for you, you can find it at https://dnapainter.com/
Here's a screenshot showing the strongest hypotheses for mum's place in such a family tree
#GeneticGenealogy #Geneadons
#dna #geneticgenealogy #geneadons
I have an unknown great grandfather. For some time I was trying to get #DNA matches to fit the location of the birth of my grandmother, in Scotland, there were no such matches.
A cluster of matches showed up, including a match sharing over 200cMs with mum , not linked to anywhere in Scotland, or any other known branch but a family called Pheby from London! It seemed that my grandmother was born to 2 English parents.
So this is the Pheby family
A man has taken to social media to share how he discovered his grandma's deepest, darkest secret after taking an at-home #DNA test - but is pleased the truth is finally out in the open
My Heritage currently has a sale on their #DNA kits, they're £35 at the moment for anyone interested #GeneticGenealogy #Geneadons
#dna #geneticgenealogy #geneadons
Have asked a potential distant Pointon cousin if he'd consider taking a Y DNA test with Family Tree DNA. He's the first that I've asked.
It could point towards my 5 times great grand uncle, Daniel Pointon being his ancestor, and that his parents are our common ancestors.
I hope that he'll at least consider it, although I know the Big Y test is a bit pricey.
"Each time we are able to find an enslaved ancestor, we are defeating the purpose of slavery. The purpose of slavery was to rob us of that information,” says Henry Louis Gates Jr, a scholar of African and African American studies at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, who was part of the effort. “This is a major development in the history of the use of genetics to trace ancestry.” #GeneticGenealogy https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-02478-9
Seven generations of a prehistoric family mapped with ancient DNA
“Collectively these studies suggest a role for early activation of the innate immune system both peripherally and centrally with potential inflammatory crosstalk between neurons and glia.” #isogg #dna #geneadons #epigenetics #GeneticGenealogy
#isogg #dna #geneadons #epigenetics #geneticgenealogy
Have you taken an Ancestry #DNA test?
How many 4th - 6th cousin matches and closer do you have? I have 330, i'm not sure whether that's a lot or not very many.
#dna #geneticgenealogy #geneadons
Poynton/Pointon #DNA
I believe that I have traced my Pointon ancestors back to a Ranalphus Poynton who was alive in the late 1500s CE and lived in the Norton in the Moors area of Staffordshire, England.
Ranalphus would have inherited and then passed down a type of dna called "Y DNA" from his dad to his son, then he to his son and so on to the present day.
#dna #geneticgenealogy #Genealogy
@cbgenealogy It must be a very delicate process when doing this work for paying clients, especially when you don’t know where it will lead. #GeneticGenealogy #Genealogy
@cbgenealogy Great to see what looks to be a definitive answer. Do you have any circumstantial evidence that supports the DNA? Obviously the science is the science, but it’s great when there’s a story too. #GeneticGenealogy #Genealogy
“Experiments showed that the gene, Period 1, which is known to be involved in the body's circadian clock, is crucial for improved daytime memory performance.” #isogg #dna #epigenetics #circadianclock #memory #geneadons #GeneticGenealogy
#isogg #dna #epigenetics #circadianclock #memory #geneadons #geneticgenealogy
@omegabuck well you’re off to a good start. My guess is that if a match shows up it would be on my heritage as they have the biggest international database. But other than that, I’d suggest posting your story in a German #genealogy group (I’m sure there’s one on Facebook) and see if anyone there has suggestions. There also are #geneticgenealogy groups that help people find family. But you need some kind of match or set of matches to work from. Your story is not so uncommon!
@cbgenealogy I find you have to look to see if they have a parent or sibling or child who has also tested. Then search online with both full names within quotes to see if they’re mentioned in an obit from a funeral home. If it’s a few years old, then maybe the deceased is in someone’s family tree on Ancestry by now. It may be someone unrelated to you, but you might also get lucky! #GeneticGenealogy #Genealogy