Read about Billy Crudup and Terry Crews DNA match #dna #billycrudup #terrycrews #isogg #geneadons #geneticgeneology #FindingYourRoots
#dna #billycrudup #terrycrews #isogg #geneadons #geneticgeneology #findingyourroots
Ventura County is announcing the arrest in the 1981 murders of Lisa Gondek & Rachel Zendejas using #GeneticGeneology. Reddit post about the press conference:
@choroba Thank for these sites. I will visit them when I reach a dead end. I assume they would prefer that I provide sample of code that I have tried. Since I am trying to learn enough #Perl to support our #GeneticGeneology efforts I am always I am always afraid I will look like a total dork on some of those sites.