Distinguished Professor #GenevieveBell @feraldata, Director of #ANU's School of #CyberneticSnacks , is delivering the 2023 #AnnMoyalLecture on Monday 8 May 1800 AEST GMT +1000 at the National Library of Australia #NLA in #Canberra #CBR and online.
Sold out in person but livestream deets here 👇
Dr Ann Moyal AM FAHA (1926–2019) was a Petherick reader, a Harold White Fellow and an established historian of science and technology. As a champion of independence in research and scholarly pursuits, she established the Independent Scholars Association of Australia in 1995 during the ‘Against the Grain’ conference, held at the Library.
#genevievebell #anu #cyberneticsnacks #annmoyallecture #nla #canberra #cbr #glam #sts
And forgetting that mastodon loves liberal use of hashtags!
So here they are for the event above and the rest!
#podcasts #technology #anthropology #science #cybernetics #humanity #techethics #identity #history #humanrights #human #society #Culture #AI #data #GenevieveBell #ANU #engineering
#engineering #anu #genevievebell #Data #AI #Culture #society #human #HumanRights #History #identity #techethics #Humanity #cybernetics #Science #anthropology #Technology #Podcasts
And forgetting that mastodon loves liberal use of hashtags!
So here they are for the event above and the rest!
#podcasts #technology #anthropology #science #cybernetics #humanity #techethics #identity #history #humanrights #human #society #Culture #AI #data #GenevieveBell #ANU #engineering
#engineering #anu #genevievebell #Data #AI #Culture #society #human #HumanRights #History #identity #techethics #Humanity #cybernetics #Science #anthropology #Technology #Podcasts