Imagine a machine upon which you sit down and put your genitals in a hole of. When you turn it on, it begins to give you better stimulation than any person ever could, quickly bringing you to the height of pleasure and eventually, the most satisfying orgasm you will ever achieve.
There's a catch though...
The moment you cum, those stimulators which brought you to orgasm will lock into your genitals,
surgically removing and lifting them away. By the time you come down, you'll be left with a bare, smooth crotch.
How might you use the machine?
Would you be willing to sit down, despite the risks?
Would you engage in a game of "stimulation chicken" with your reproductive organs on the line?
Would you jump on and let it bring you to orgasm, losing your genitals on purpose?
#nullification #Castration #penectomy #GenitalRemoval #GenitalMutilation #CBT #erotica
#nullification #Castration #Penectomy #genitalremoval #genitalmutilation #cbt #erotica