World History Encyclopedia · @whencyclopedia
1158 followers · 2152 posts · Server

Historical works on settler colonialism and genocide are voluminous, but there are relatively few, if any, works of synthesis geared to advanced high school and undergraduate students.

#historyfacts #indigenouspeoples #genocides #colonialism #History

Last updated 1 year ago

Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
92 followers · 979 posts · Server

He green-lighted and enabled . He told to get their and done quickly, sold out the Kurds, and ran the botched operation to kidnap Chilean Gen. René Schneider (in the hope of derailing President Salvador ’s inauguration), which resulted in Schneider’s murder. His post- turn to the left that region in , setting the stage for that continue to afflict .

#coups #genocides #dictators #killing #torturing #allende #vietnam #middleeast #chaos #crises #humanity

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
805 followers · 40077 posts · Server

@avon_deer Ain't there already in ?

With against and literal battles between self-defense militias and the central govt.?

#rohingya #genocides #burma #civilwar

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
786 followers · 38420 posts · Server

4. still continues to deny that is independent and Serbian politicans are known to deny the like the one comitted in to this day.

5. If would be effective, would've banned .

6. I personally would just hope someone eould snatch up , but sadly that seems to be neither wanted nor planned as of now.
Otherwise he'd already be dumped into the ICC's Lobby in handcuffs...

#Putin #Religion #Russia #wordsandprayers #srebrenica #genocides #Kosovo #serbia

Last updated 2 years ago

Noah Berlatsky · @nberlat
2504 followers · 10737 posts · Server

wrote about and our cultural obsession with that somehow don't involve .

If you join the substack at the paid tier, you can get find a pdf download of my book Nazi Dream at the end of the post.

#prejudice #genocides #infinitywar

Last updated 2 years ago

· @sheislaurence
158 followers · 523 posts · Server

The absolutely delightful @stephenfry reminding me that Englishmen can be welcoming, open to the world, intellectually rigorous & honest. Here talking a couple of years ago about how are always preceded by dehumanising to create 'othering'. And gives pointers to how Germany did just that. When the over-educated and the footballer unite in humanity, Britain becomes great again.

#genocides #language #nazi #lineker #stephenfry

Last updated 2 years ago

Nando161 · @nando161
402 followers · 15004 posts · Server

"Like genuinely it is unquantifiably fucked up insane horror how many times the U.S. has created and enabled and all over the in order to just weaken other nations or force them to depend on our own military for help, and how this isn’t a conspiracy theory but openly available public information, but neither right wing nor left wing breathes a word about it and there’s no ongoing outrage or backlash against it from within this country nor is it discussed in most public education settings. It only ever gets addressed at all by authors, , and ."

#government #deliberately #Fascist #dictatorships #genocides #funded #terrorism #world #journalism #independent #comedians #cartoonists #bloggers

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server

@zackarired Yet the exact opposite happens with Ukraine despige the fact that they do all the same as Israel. is . The whole of THE WEST is! With multiple all over the world, all coordinated by Western manipulation it has to be confronted that this is a . The of vulnerable populations globally. @icij

#unitednations #corrupt #genocides #holocaust #ethniccleansing #unwomen

Last updated 2 years ago

Genocides and attempted genocides were, and are, real historical and actual factual occurrences.

Planned individual, group, and state violence against targeted groups was, and is, real, historical, actual, and factual.

I still feel a flicker of hope when people turn from this option in disgust and repulsion instead of pressing other groups +/ punching down.

#genocides #xenophobia #racism #ethnocentricism #scapegoating #grievances #violence #politics

Last updated 2 years ago

Spartacus✰ · @IAmSpartacus
464 followers · 14041 posts · Server

empire killed 165 million Indians in 40 years: How inspired
A scholarly study found that British colonialism caused approximately 165 million deaths in from 1880 to 1920, while stealing trillions of dollars of wealth. The global system was founded on European imperial , which inspired Adolf Hitler and led to .

#british #colonialism #fascism #India #capitalist #genocides

Last updated 2 years ago

elekis · @elekis
17 followers · 638 posts · Server

Cite-moi 3 en cours ?


Last updated 2 years ago

hambibleibt #riseup4Rojava · @hambibleibt
1314 followers · 2591 posts · Server

"Syrian leader Bassam Ishak:

of in North East are witnessing the most systematic ethnic cleansing since the & Syriacs in 1915 by the "

#ottomans #genocides #armenian #syria #qamishli #christians #christian

Last updated 5 years ago