Latest #ArabidopsisV12 news: Automated annotation pipeline has begun at NCBI. Looking forward to reviewing the initial results by the end of March. #CommunityProject #GenomeAnnotation #GeneStructure
#arabidopsisv12 #communityproject #genomeannotation #genestructure
The GTN Smörgåsbord 3 is happening soon! Join us for a free week of online #UseGalaxy #bioinformatics training at your own pace, on your own schedule!
Captioned video tutorials, or plain text, will guide you through an introduction to @galaxyproject, #proteomics, #transcriptomics, #GenomeAnnotation #covid19, #MachineLearning, #genomics and more!
Last year was a smashing success with 3,300 registrations, let's see if we can do better!
📅 May 22-26, 2023
#UseGalaxy #bioinformatics #proteomics #Transcriptomics #genomeannotation #COVID19 #machinelearning #genomics
@KatharinaHoff full link
Thank-you for sharing.
#genomeannotation #ERGA #Genomics #genome