Free #PlantSci reading to start your week off right! Find out how a happy accident led to a prolific, robust, and accurate method for simultaneous foreground and background #genotyping.🔓⬇️
#JIPB #DNA #plant #breeding
#plantsci #genotyping #JIPB #DNA #plant #breeding
Exploring SSAfrica plasmodium genetic diversity using microsatellite variants & SNPs in resistance genes
#Malaria #genomic #microsatellite #genotyping #amplicon
#malaria #genomic #microsatellite #genotyping #amplicon
We have been looking for a simple and fast way of #genotyping a #bam file at known sites that we get from a reference #vcf.
We ended up using #freebayes with -@ -l --report-monomorphic options.
BUT I was quite surprised by the lack of information and clear documentation for performing this seemingly trivial task without going through the whole SNP calling stuff (we don't want to do it).
Did we miss something ? Is there a standard, well documented method out there ?
#freebayes #vcf #Bam #genotyping