@RWHBray #GentlerStreak is so much better than out of the box health and fitness apps. Give it a try!
Well 1st week back at work after such a wonderfully relaxing 2 week holiday was always going to be a toughy. It didn’t let me down & have to say I’m shattered.
Got straight back into the fitness at start of week & has all gone well. Shall step on those scales in the morning to see how many of those excess holiday lbs I’ve hopefully lost.
Up early to go for a run so will bid you all a good evening & sleep well.
#Health #AppleFitness #ios17 #gentlerstreak
Well after nearly 2 & half weeks of no exercise , apart from my arms lifting cutlery for food & drink & stomach muscles to digest the said food & drink (thanks Italy) I thought it best to get back on that horse. Breaking in gently.
#AppleFitness #ios17 #gentlerstreak
@JRP69 decided to purchase #GentlerStreak lifetime subscription today as it includes Family Sharing. It looks really good for tracking all my walks and HIT workouts but I also wanted it for my wife as she's only just weight-bearing on her broken leg after 8 weeks in plaster so wanted something to motivate her with her long recovery.
Good morning you lovely lot. Happy Sunday.
Alright alright !
Just let me finish my cup of tea & then I’ll get outside for my morning exercise.
#fitness #gentlerstreak #Health
Happy Sunday morning all. Thank you #GentlerStreak #GentlerStreakApp for a accompanying me to the coffee shop this morning. Weather is so nice actually sat outside on their terrace. All very nice.
#fitness #iPhone14ProMax #iOS #applewatchultra #Health #gentlerstreakapp #gentlerstreak
Great way to start the day. Thank you #GentlerStreak
#applewatchultra #fitness #gentlerstreak
It’s been a busy week with early starts & late finishes. I’m happy with this. Thank you #GentlerStreak for your motivation
#iPhone14ProMax #iOS16 #applewatchultra #gentlerstreak
Gently getting back on the road with this fresh adult 🚴 #cycling #gentlerstreak #anydistance
#cycling #gentlerstreak #anydistance
Latest #GentlerStreak beta is a beauty as always ! Reordering metrics with a lovely haptic feedback is a very welcome touch. If you exercise & want to look after your health & wellbeing & you haven’t got this app downloaded yet , then do nothing else this weekend other than get it downloaded. Oh ok , well do other stuff , but download this app 1st.
#GentlerStreakApp #AppleWatchUltra #fitness #activity #cardio #walking #Wellbeing
#wellbeing #walking #cardio #activity #fitness #applewatchultra #gentlerstreakapp #gentlerstreak
Thanks for pushing me hard this morning #GentlerStreak #AppleWatchUltra
Love a speed walk
#applewatchultra #gentlerstreak
Such a great exercise this morning. 06:00 really is my time.
Getting cardio close to where I would like it to be.
#gentlerstreak #Health #fitness
May not of been my best month but thanks to those lovely , helpful & dedicated folk over on #GentlerStreak , I’m always kept motivated
Según #GentlerStreak podría comerme una hamburguesa guarra después de esta trotada y quedarme tal cual 😂😂
Según #GentlerStreak podría comerme una hamburguesa guarra después de esta trotada quedarme tal cual 😂😂
“Instead of harassing you day after day, it’s like having the world's chillest personal trainer, a kind of Big Lebowski of motivation.”
#fitness #health #app #gentlerStreak
Why Fitness and Habit Apps Should Be Kinder https://www.lifewire.com/why-fitness-and-habit-apps-should-be-kinder-5220144
#fitness #health #app #gentlerstreak
Good morning you lovely lot. Let’s just take a moment to take in it’s Friday !! Whoop ! Nice exercise this morning. Typically bloody head wind ! Thanks #GentlerStreak
Was happy with my exercise this morning. First time in a week but just love 06:00. Great time of day to get it out of the way.
#GentlerStreak otrzyma niebawem nową funkcję/zakładkę, ta pojawi się 23 lutego bieżącego roku. Jest na co czekać, do tej pory dane, które będą przez nią zbierane były dostępne wyłącznie w fabrycznej aplikacji wchodzącej w skład iOS.
Qué ansiedad por si mañana no cierro los anillos. Ahora entenderéis que no me suscriba a #GentlerStreak o #Athlytic: más ansiedad.