Day 30 – Minimalism.
#genuary #genuary2023 #genuary30 #blender #b3d #geometrynodes #generativeart #phenakistiscope #zoetrope #stroboscope #animation
#animation #stroboscope #zoetrope #phenakistiscope #generativeart #geometrynodes #b3d #blender #genuary30 #genuary2023 #GENUARY
some more outputs
#genuary #genuary2023 #genuary30 #creativecoding #generativeart #genart #generativeartclub #wipart #wip
#GENUARY #genuary2023 #genuary30 #creativecoding #generativeart #genart #generativeartclub #wipart #wip
Minimalism Geometry
#genuary #genuary2023 #genuary30 #creativecoding #generativeart #genart #generativeartclub #wipart #wip
#GENUARY #genuary2023 #genuary30 #creativecoding #generativeart #genart #generativeartclub #wipart #wip
genuary2023 prompt № 30
#genuary #genuary2023 #genuary30 #minimalism #processing #p5js #CreativeToots
#GENUARY #genuary2023 #genuary30 #minimalism #processing #p5js #CreativeToots
A minimal generator.
1. draw random points P on the canvas, reject points that are less than R removed from points already in P.
2. for every point p in P find the two nearest neighbors q and r and draw line segments pq and pr.
#genuary 30 - Minimalism
Minimalist animation on a tiny #adafruit OLED display
Programmed with #circuitpython on a feather M4
#python #creativecoding #genuary30 #circuitpython #adafruit #GENUARY
For my #genuary30 contribution, I reflect on #genuary2023 and how it is coming to a close – I did all but generative music in #desmos – and here are three contributions that gave me the most joy
and Signed Distance Functions:
#desmos #genuary2023 #genuary30
#genuary 2023 #genuary30
#blender #python #GenArt
prompt: Minimalism
In addition to the p5.js sketch, I also generated several minimalist variations with my #KoruTawa project. In this format, they tend to look much more like the works of Gordon Walters and Marian Maguire that I used to derive a lot of the pattern and composition rules. There are still so many more that I could work out, but the code is already incredibly long and complex. Here's the first half of the images.
#GENUARY #genuary30 #blender #python #genart #korutawa
#genuary 2023 #genuary30 #p5js
prompt: Minimalism
I usually have a hard time keeping things super minimal, as I think many do. But I love finding simple systems that produce a wide variety of behavior that is endlessly satisfying to watch. You can switch between the four different mode presets with the spacebar, and I show all of the modes in the demo video. Try running the second mode for a while and then click to pause—it will appear to keep moving.
Surface Currents
#GENUARY 2023 Day 30:
#genuary30 #genuary #generative
#genuary2023 #creativecoding #bitoglitch
#bitoglitch #creativecoding #genuary2023 #generative #genuary30 #GENUARY
The prompt for today #genuary30 is 'minimalism'. I wish I dedicated more time to this prompt, but alas, life. But I'm happy I found 30min or so today to play with/learn in #Supercollider, and forked/edited a simple but beautiful chunk of code I found online. Cover art whipped up in Glitch Lab.
I'm going to delete this audio file in a day or so, but it will live on within the #genuary post on my website. #genuary2023 #Supercollider #glitchlab
#glitchlab #genuary2023 #GENUARY #supercollider #genuary30
#Processing #Python #py5 imported mode #genuary #genuary30 #トゥートProcessing
# Kate Rose Morley's palette
from itertools import product
palette = (
'#817', '#a35', '#c66', '#e94',
'#ed0', '#9d5', '#4d8', '#2cb',
'#0bc', '#09c', '#36b', '#639'
def setup():
global palavras
size(800, 800)
def draw():
w = 400
i = 0
for x, y in product(range(0, width, w), repeat=2):
for z in range(3):
square(w / 2 + x, w / 2 + y, w / (z / 2 + 1))
i += 1
#processing #python #py5 #genuary #genuary30 #トゥートprocessing #a35 #c66 #e94 #ed0 #9d5 #4d8 #2cb #0bc #09c #36b
Day 30: Minimalism
#genuary30 #genuary #generativeart
#genuary2023 #genuary30 #GENUARY #generativeart
This was fun, a few more palettes and fine tuning and this could be a drop on fx(hash) :-D
#genuary30 #GENUARY #genart #p5js
Genuary day 30: Minimalism
Plotted in just 5 minutes 😄
#genuary30 #genuary2023 #genuary #plottertoot #penplotter #axidraw #generativeart
#genuary30 #genuary2023 #GENUARY #plottertoot #penplotter #axidraw #generativeart
Prompt for Day 30: "Minimalism"
For this one, I started with my Maximalism piece, and scaled it back.
#genuary2023 #genuary30 #GENUARY #GenerativeArt #CreativeCoding #WomenWhoCode
#womenwhocode #creativecoding #generativeart #GENUARY #genuary30 #genuary2023
Here's a super minimalist worm simulator #tweetcart for today's #genuary 🪱 (You can add more worms by duplicating line 2)
#pico8 #genuary30
#genuary30 #pico8 #GENUARY #tweetcart