@DennisKuester meine Muttersprache kennt kein #Genus (Lehrer/Lehrerin), keinen Artikel (der/die/das), kein Numerus (Buch/Bücher), schon gar nicht die verrückten Deklinationen v. Adjektiv nach 4 Fällen (Nominativ/Genutiv/Dativ/Akkusativ). Aus meiner Sicht treiben die Deutschmuttersprachler enorme tlws. verkrampfte Debatten 😅
Tar en kort förmiddagspaus och lägger upp det tredje inlägget i serien jag knåpade ihop under semestern.
Denna gång: problemet med Susan. Jag anser nog att Neil Gaiman och J.K. Rowling med flera har fel om problemet, men helt bortsett från det har Susan alltid representerat ett annat problem för mig.
#fantastik #fantasy #narnia #litteratur #genus #feminism
Nästa inlägg i min lilla bloggserie. Om paradoxen i att försöka skaka sig loss från förväntningarna på en grupp och därmed behöva solidarisera med gruppen.
#feminism #genus #livet
Bloggade ju igår, så nu är jag igång. Här kommer den första av tre texter jag knåpade ihop under sommaren: https://annien.wordpress.com/2023/08/15/om-min-langtan-till-gethen/
Thema: #Gendern
Sprachlich relevant ist nur der Genus.
Der #Genus ist
geschichtliche Gewohnheit,
gesellschaftlicher Konsens
und völlig unabhängig,
insbesondere auch von anderen Geschlechtertypen,
z.B. dem Sexus oder Gender.
Der Sichtbarkeit des Geschlechts Gender wird als Grund für "sprachliches Gendern" angeführt.
"Sprachliches Gendern", die Beschreibung von sozialen Rollen in Abhängigkeit vom Sexus, ist bisher im Deutschen nicht vorgesehen.
Die englische Sprache kennt gar keinen Genus.
Thema: #Gendern
Die deutsche Sprache kennt folgende #Geschlechtstypen:
- #Genus, das #sprachliche, #grammatische #Geschlecht als Klassifizierung von Substantiven
- #Sexus, das #natürliche, #biologische Geschlecht von Lebewesen
hinzu kommen #soziale #Geschlechter
- #Genetik, beschreibt die Zugehörigkeit zu einer #Familie, bzw. #Stamm
- #Gender, beschreibt soziale Rollen, Beziehungen und Verhältnisse in Abgrenzung und Abhängigkeit vom Sexus
#gendern #geschlechtstypen #genus #sprachliche #grammatische #geschlecht #sexus #naturliche #biologische #soziale #geschlechter #genetik #familie #stamm #gender
"It is an exceptional #discovery as it is one of the most colorful #species in the #genus #Tylototriton . This is also the first time that a #crocodile #newt species is recorded from the Central Highlands of #Vietnam . Occurring at elevations from 1,800 to 2,300 m above sea level, this discovery sets an elevational record for the genus in the country, with former distribution ranges between 250 m and 1,740 m," says #discoverer and first author of the study Trung My Phung.
#discovery #species #genus #tylototriton #crocodile #newt #vietnam #discoverer
Tomorrow is a big #Volunteer workday at #OxleyNatureCenter to clear storm damage before reopening. Will be interested to see how the birds fared in the storms. This photo is from last week.
A mature and immature (2-3 years old) Yellow-crowned Night Herons. These are in the #Order #Pelecaniformes #Family #Ardidae, #Genus #Nyctanassa #Species #violacea. Herons, Egrets and Bitterns are in this family.
They wade in shallow water and hunt mostly crayfish.
#birdsofmastodon #volunteer #oxleynaturecenter #order #pelecaniformes #family #ardidae #genus #nyctanassa #species #violacea
‘Rimmed with fire’: rare #butterfly #genus named after #Sauron in #LordOfTheRings | #EndangeredSpecies | The Guardian
#butterfly #genus #sauron #lordoftherings #endangeredspecies #science #zoology #etymology #taxonomy #insects
Does anyone have some guidance to offer on using #hashtags with #BinomialNomenclature? What should I prefer: a single hashtag of #GenusSpecies, two separate hashtags for #Genus and #species, or something else?
Continuing down this path, what should I consider when writing a hashtag indicating a selected form like Rhododendron davidsonianum 'Ruth Lyons' or indicating the epitaph refers to a hybrid such as Rhododendron 'Unique'?
#hashtags #binomialnomenclature #genusspecies #genus #species
There must’ve been a sense that the #genus #Homo — and #Earthlings in general — #recursively #looped - ParkHealth Notes | OpenSea https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/46316387645623418400861574497267573792497807413262795597612356789650587648001
#genus #homo #earthlings #recursively #looped
Malin Nordvalls disputation
Imponerande prestation av Malin Nordvall som disputerade igår!
#teknikhistoria #disputation #genus #MalinNordvall #teknik-ochvetenskapshistoria #teknikhistoria
#Teknik #malinnordvall #genus #disputation #teknikhistoria
A #macro #photograph of some #dew on the unopened #bud of a #walking #iris #flower. The #WalkingIris or #ApostolicIris grows by allowing a new #plant for form where the flower was. The weight of the growing plant them causes the #FlowerSpike to fall over and allows the new plant to #root itself in the ground.
In this way, the #trimezia #genus grows by #walking.
#macro #photograph #dew #bud #walking #iris #flower #walkingiris #apostoliciris #plant #flowerspike #root #trimezia #genus
Die wissenschaftliche Erforschung des deutschen und indogermanischen Genussystems im Gegensatz zum ideologischen Gendersprech.
Sehr interessante Seite:
Mir gefällt auch das Buch sehr gut: #DeutschfürDichterundDenker
#DanielScholten #Scholten #gendern #Gendersprech #Genus #Genussystem #Buchempfehlung
#deutschfurdichterunddenker #danielscholten #scholten #gendern #Gendersprech #genus #buchempfehlung
We are very happy to learn that our paper was the 5th most cited among the ones published on #GENUS during the last three years. This was a collective effort led by @ecamposlima with colleagues from different Latin American countries.
(Data source: Scopus; retrieved on 28 Dec 2022)
#FossilAdventCalendar Day 17
This #whale-sized #marine #reptile in the #RoyalTyrrellMuseum is the #ichthyosaur Shastasaurus sikkaniensis. Unusually, it was not only one of the earliest members of its group, but one of the very largest. Its #species name comes from where it was found, along the Sikanni Chief River which flows out of the #RockyMountains of #BritishColumbia 🇨🇦. Its #genus name comes from Mt. #Shasta in the #CascadeRange, where other species of this Triassic titan have been found.
#fossiladventcalendar #whale #marine #reptile #royaltyrrellmuseum #ichthyosaur #species #RockyMountains #britishcolumbia #genus #shasta #cascaderange
Didier #Lockwood (violin)
Steve #Gadd (drums)
Joey #DeFrancesco (organ, trumpet)
James #Genus (bass)
"Storyboard" (Disques Dreyfus 1996)
#nowlistening #jazz #violon #music
#DidierLockwood #SteveGadd #JoeyDeFrancesco #JamesGenus
#jamesgenus #joeydefrancesco #stevegadd #didierlockwood #music #violon #jazz #nowlistening #genus #defrancesco #gadd #lockwood
One of the great #mathematicians of the theory of integrable systems has passed away: Igor #Krichever (1950-2022) was instrumental in developing algebro-geometric methods to construct higher #genus solutions of #soliton equations 👉🏼 https://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/?p=13200 . He gave a plenary talk at the #ICM2022 📽️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LliT-96R1mQ&t=1529s
#ICM2022 #Soliton #genus #krichever #mathematicians