41 years ago today, 13 year old Bryan was settled in on a Wednesday night for the Dynasty episode, "The Gun."
The show quickly became a family favorite in Season 2, with the addition of Alexis (Joan Collins).

24 March 1982 S2E18
Blake discovers that he is Fallon's real father; Steven follows Sammy Jo to Hollywood; Claudia tries to shoot Cecil, but in a struggle between her and Krystle, the gun fires.

#dynasty #tv #classictv #1980s #genxgold

Last updated 2 years ago

44 years ago today, 10 year old Bryan was on the floor in front of the TV, arguing with my little sister about "whose turn it was to be the focus" on Charlie's Angels. I preferred Kelly (Jaclyn Smith), she preferred Kris (Cheryl Ladd).

22 March 1979 S3E22
Angels In Waiting
Bosley meets an attractive woman before phoning in his first clue to the Angels. The two become the target of someone who's not playing games.

#charliesangels #tv #classictv #1970s #1980s #genxgold

Last updated 2 years ago

46 years ago today, one of 8 year old Bryan's personal heroes, Lindsay Wagner, teamed up with Rene Auberjonois to stop an art thief. The Bionic Woman aired the episode, "The DeJon Caper."

16 March 1977 S2E19
Jaime Sommers travels to Paris, France, with art forger Pierre Lambert to catch an American criminal called Beaumont who pays Pierre to copy stolen art.

#bionicwoman #tv #classictv #1970s #nostalgia #genxgold #lindsaywagner #reneauberjonois #richardanderson #martinebrooks

Last updated 2 years ago

GenX-ers will remember when Sundays belonged to The Waltons. So many memories growing up along with John Boy and the Walton family.
43 years ago today, the episode "The Valediction" aired.

13 March 1980 S8E24
Jim-Bob graduates as class valedictorian, and Erin finds out that Ashley Longsworth Jr. married a girl in London. The Walton boys join The War.

#thewaltons #tv #classictv #nostalgia #1970s #1980s #genxgold

Last updated 2 years ago

36 years ago, a "very special episode" of Family Ties aired on the NBC network. Part of NBC's original "Must See TV" Thursday lineup. "My name is Alex" is probably the only time I cried watching Family Ties, typically light-hearted and often quite funny.

12 March 1987 S5E24
When Alex's friend Greg dies in a car accident, Alex is thrown into a state of shock and questions his own life's meaning.

#familyties #tv #classictv #1980s #nostalgia #genxgold

Last updated 2 years ago

45 years ago today, 9 year old Bryan was planted in front of the TV. Long after my usual bedtime! Because Marcia Brady was on Fantasy Island, I was granted a special waiver. Marcia was my first TV crush. 💞

11 March 1978 S1E6 "Treasure Hunt / Beauty Contest"
A sheltered 19 year old wishes to enter a beauty contest in order to get acceptance from her father.

#fantasyisland #maureenmccormick #tv #classictv #1970s #nostalgia #genxgold #bradybunch #tattoo #mrroarke

Last updated 2 years ago

35 years ago, one of my favorite 1980's sitcoms, Perfect Strangers, aired the episode "The Graduate," on the ABC network.

9 March 1988 S3E19
"Balki manages to graduate night school at the top of his class but soon finds out that there is no graduation ceremony. So Larry talks to the principal and arranges one."

#perfectstrangers #abc #tv #nostalgia #1980s #genxgold #marklinnbaker #bronsonpinchot

Last updated 2 years ago

31 years ago today Rose Nylund hilariously shocked America in The Golden Girls episode "Rose: Portrait of a Woman."

7 March 1992 S7E22
Sophia becomes a doting mother when Dorothy accepts a lucrative corporate teaching job. Rose surprises all when, for Miles' birthday, she poses for a sexy portrait.

#goldengirls #tv #nostalgia #1980s #1990s #genxgold #beaarthur #bettywhite #ruemcclanahan #estellegetty #haroldgould

Last updated 2 years ago