When I moved into an apartment junior year of college, 1995, I figured out the phone number could be remembered as "OJ YAWNS" and my friends never forgave me for that. #GenXProblems #PhoneNumbers
@patrickworld Let’s not talk about having to wear progressive lenses now. #GenXProblems 🤓
I was really looking forward to finally seeing the #GinBlossoms in concert tonight but the rain is very probable. :(
Feeling like a grandpa with all the aches and pains but without the house and bank account.
I've watched two videos in the last week of Gen Z folks reacting to watching Point Break for the first time and it just hurts that none of them have recognized Anthony Kiedis in his cameo role as a surfer.
It's like my culture doesn't even matter anymore.
@Logophilius Thank you! I will check it out. I still haven't figured out all the tech stuff with the different servers. #genxproblems
I'll be glad when my periods finally stop. They annoy the crap out of me now but I don't seem to be perimenopausal yet. Unlike quite a few of my friends, some of them a year or two younger than me. Think I've got at least another four/five years of this pointless bullshit that's never served any purpose for me. Mum was still having periods when she had her hysterectomy at 53. #genxproblems
Ha ha, for real the bear was on my street. I can’t make the pic-a-nic basket joke to all the millennials in my neighborhood parent group because I’m not sure they’ll get the reference. #genxproblems
I first learned about Shonen Knife in late '92 when I picked up Let's Knife (they'd already been around for 11 years at that point). But why-oh-why isn't that particular album available on streaming? Sure, I have the cassette around here SOMEwhere. But... dang. #GenX #GenXProblems #applemusic
#genx #genxproblems #applemusic
I just discovered that a movie I remember as being in black and white was actually in color. The first time I saw it was on a black and white TV and that impression simply... stuck.
Sure, I cant remember my AppleID and password 90% of the time, but I can sing 90% of the words to Jesus Christ Superstar that we performed in 1993.
Friend went to see the new Shazam movie and I was immediately overcome by my 40-year grudge about how they CANCELED O MIGHTY ISIS in favor of a BOY show. When do we get our Isis reboot? #GenXProblems
This morning I faced a harrowing bed head in the bathroom mirror. That image reminded me that when I was in junior high, I attempted to FEATHER MY HAIR on a daily basis and usually failed spectacularly because ugh and also it was 7am. #GenXProblems #GenX #TheFarrah
#genxproblems #genx #thefarrah
I can't say the number "21" without sounding like Bugs Bunny.
TIL that I am older than I realized.
#factsthatarerude #genx #genxproblems
@BryanLastRedDrop Nobody at work gets my Bloom County references #GenXProblems