The ultimate #GenXRant 😂
“'Content,' whatever else we may say of it, is not art. No one involved in its production, nor evidently in its consumption, appears to be interested in probing the depths of the self. On the contrary, the new system of constant cybernetic feedback-looping between content producers and 'fans' is one that primarily functions to reduce entertainment products to the role of norm enforcement.”
Sometimes it amazes me, all the jobs that people have that just didn’t exist when I was in college. Sometimes it just makes me feel old. But then, I can remember the before times, when things weren’t this fucked up and I’m glad I know the difference.
#GenXRant Seriously? Muss man das heute echt betonen? Weiss das das junge Gemüse (pun intended) heute nicht mehr? Ich bin sprachlos ...
Quelle: @ OBlattmann auf Twitter