Kann mich nicht entscheiden welches ich kaufen und lesen möchte. Hirn sagt alle, Konto sagt eins. #books #biodiversity #geobiology
#books #biodiversity #geobiology
Here is a 🧶#longThread about past #climateChange:
- #oilAndGas and #Permian
- tropical warmth until the Chicxulub impact #66Mya
- human separation around #4Mya
- the last ice age peak about 20,000 years ago: #20kya
#learn #enjoy #joy #easyReading #simpleEnglish #geology #maps #geobiology #ecology #biogeochemistry #energy
#energy #biogeochemistry #ecology #geobiology #maps #geology #simpleenglish #easyreading #joy #enjoy #learn #20kya #4mya #66mya #permian #oilandgas #climatechange #longthread
How genetic engineering is shedding light on ancient evolutionary questions.
#STEMeducation #fediscience #lifesciences #evolution #geoscience #biology #geobiology #evolutionarybiology
#stemeducation #Fediscience #lifesciences #evolution #geoscience #biology #geobiology #evolutionarybiology
Some #FoodForThought from the #researchpaper linked above💡💡💡
“Importantly, in my view, the term ‘genetically similar to’ also helps to avoid the assumption of homogeneity within labels; ‘similar to’ does not imply ‘same as’. Similarity-based sample descriptors also move us some way to acknowledging the continuous nature of #geneticvariation across #humangroups in our sample descriptions. I am more genetically similar to some samples than I am to others, but that does not imply that there are natural groupings. Nor do similarity-based labels imply how I, as an individual, might choose to identify or what distribution of environments I might experience. For example, a person may be genetically similar to 1000 #Genomes samples labeled Southern Asian, yet in itself this similarity does not identify them as Southern Asian, whereas stating that a person has ‘Southern Asian #geneticancestry ’ comes much closer to making that linkage in people’s minds.
Working out the #genealogicalhistory of individuals and of groups of people from around the world is a fascinating area of research, but it should not be the day job of the majority of researchers in the field of #humangenetics , who instead need accurate sample descriptors of current day #geneticdiversity that aid clear communication.”
Adding colour to #discourse with this screenshot attachment and link. Extraordinary future ahead in the field of human genetics and #humanidentity, in general. #TheLancet #AmbroiseWonkam #johnhopkinsuniversity #schoolofmedicine #geneticvariation #geneticmedicine #MckusickNathansInstituteofGeneticMedicine
#1000genomesproject #GhanaianGenome #OforiAcquah #geneticcounselling #yemaachibiotech #yemaachi #genomicdataset #Sicklecelldisease #malaria
#SarsCoV2 #researchgate
#geneticdata #geneticdisease #ethnicity #populationdescriptors #racialmakeup #racialclassification #ethnicclassification #nationalacademiesofsciencesengineeringand #biomedicalresearch #rx #med #ethnicorigins #dei #biodiversity #bloodbank #organdonor #geneticlandscapes #socialdeterminantsofhealth #clinicalgenetics #therapeutics #diagnostics #treatments #ancientdna #genealogy #nondarwinian #demography #demographics #polygenics #nationalinstitutesofhealth #nih #medicine #geneticancestor #humangenetics #biomedicine #biomed #racialidentity #ancestralidentity #culturalidentity #crt #criticalracetheory #anthropology #biobank #23andme #familytree #familyheritage #ancestralheritage #commonancestor #biomedical #populationbiology #geobiologie #geobiology #geneticmapping #blooddonor #blooddonation #populationhealth #admixedancestry #phenotype #phenotypingdata #phenotypedata #americanjournalofhumangenetics
#foodforthought #researchpaper #geneticvariation #humangroups #genomes #geneticancestry #genealogicalhistory #humangenetics #GeneticDiversity #discourse #humanidentity #thelancet #ambroisewonkam #johnhopkinsuniversity #schoolofmedicine #geneticmedicine #mckusicknathansinstituteofgeneticmedicine #africangenomevariationproject #1000genomesproject #ghanaiangenome #oforiacquah #geneticcounselling #yemaachibiotech #yemaachi #genomicdataset #Sicklecelldisease #malaria #SarsCoV2 #researchgate #geneticdata #geneticdisease #ethnicity #populationdescriptors #racialmakeup #racialclassification #ethnicclassification #nationalacademiesofsciencesengineeringand #biomedicalresearch #rx #med #ethnicorigins #dei #biodiversity #bloodbank #organdonor #geneticlandscapes #socialdeterminantsofhealth #clinicalgenetics #therapeutics #diagnostics #Treatments #AncientDNA #genealogy #nondarwinian #demography #demographics #polygenics #nationalinstitutesofhealth #nih #medicine #geneticancestor #biomedicine #biomed #RacialIdentity #ancestralidentity #culturalidentity #crt #criticalracetheory #anthropology #biobank #23andme #familytree #familyheritage #ancestralheritage #commonancestor #biomedical #populationbiology #geobiologie #geobiology #geneticmapping #blooddonor #blooddonation #populationhealth #admixedancestry #phenotype #phenotypingdata #phenotypedata #americanjournalofhumangenetics
Howdy mastodon! I am an #earthscientist with broad interests in #geobiology #earthhistory and #dataviz . Looking to find cool people who also like science over here.
#earthscientist #geobiology #earthhistory #dataviz
Seems like and #introductionpost is how it is done here so here goes. I am a #geobiology enthusiast exited about #biogeochemistry #isotopes #microbes and they all interact on this big beautiful Earth (and beyond). Associate Prof at @northwestern . I am also fond of growing things #gardening #fermentation , cooking, #cats and #knitting. Unapologetic #Feminist. Typos common. #twittermigration
#introductionpost #geobiology #biogeochemistry #isotopes #microbes #gardening #fermentation #cats #knitting #feminist #twittermigration
@mangeurdenuage #scientology #raelianism #catholicscience #biodinamy #homeopaty #reflexology #geobiology #dowser #magnetizer #capitalism #monarchy #nuclearfamily #mariage #catholicism #anysacredtextever ...
#anysacredtextever #Catholicism #mariage #nuclearfamily #monarchy #capitalism #magnetizer #dowser #geobiology #reflexology #homeopaty #biodinamy #catholicscience #raelianism #scientology