284 #highered #jobs seek #OSS experience (https://bit.ly/2QlPas0) including…
Digital Library Software Developer
at #Stanford University
"a mission-driven organization that emphasizes open, collaborative work and community engagement"
Develop, use, implement, and contribute to #OpenSource and #OpenStandards communities like #Mirador, the International Image Interoperability Framework, and #Blacklight (including #ArcLight, #Spotlight, and #GeoBlacklight
#highered #jobs #oss #stanford #opensource #openstandards #mirador #blacklight #arclight #spotlight #geoblacklight
Springer Makes Open Source Chapter Of Upcoming Handbook Of Geographic Information Freely Accessible In April
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-53125-6_30 <-- shared journal issue
H/T Doug Newcomb
[a good overview of open source GIS software stacks]
“... As a service to the readers, the reference section of this chapter includes scientific video recordings which provide additional content regarding software capabilities, historical notes and background information: #Actinia, #GeoBlackLight, #GeoPaparazzi, #GeoPython, #GeoServer, #GeoTools, #GMT, #GRASSGIS, #gvSIG, #JTS, #Leaflet, #MapServer, #NASAWorldWind, #OSGeoLive. #PostGIS, #PROJ, #QGIS, #rasdaman. In addition, scientific videos about the #OSGeo Foundation and the annual #SolKatzAwards or #GeospatialFreeandOpenSourceSoftware are included…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #free #opensource #software #FOSS #opensourcesoftware #algorithms #geospatialtechnology #postgresql #postgres #softwarestacks
#actinia #geoblacklight #geopaparazzi #geopython #geoserver #geotools #gmt #grassgis #gvsig #jts #leaflet #MapServer #nasaworldwind #osgeolive #postgis #proj #qgis #rasdaman #osgeo #solkatzawards #geospatialfreeandopensourcesoftware #gis #spatial #mapping #free #opensource #software #foss #OpenSourceSoftware #algorithms #geospatialtechnology #PostgreSQL #postgres #softwarestacks