Jeffrey Waggoner · @justjeff
80 followers · 969 posts · Server

Planning a summer trip to to see some , starting with Buckminster Fuller’s restored in . Loved the Carbondale area when I studied there. Looking forward to seeing the area again soon.

#amreading #reading #geodesicdomes #geodesicdome #geodesic #carbondale #dome #domehomes #southernillinois

Last updated 1 year ago

M. Grégoire · @mpjgregoire
433 followers · 17822 posts · Server

@canadaehx The people voting for the Biosphere over the Sunlife building have not seen them both in person. Yes, are pretty, but the Biosphere is underwhelming. The building, by contrast, is enormous when you see it from across the park, big even in comparison with modern skyscrapers, and with elegant detail they mostly lack.

#geodesicdomes #sunlife #montreal

Last updated 1 year ago

Walt :ani_clubtwit:🚀 · @astralcomputing
172 followers · 230 posts · Server

Can anybody 3D print a single "Einstein" tile 3D shape that can be used as a universal building block to create Geodesic domes?

(The goal being to use only one shape and still make a dome out of them)

#3dprinting #einsteintiles #geodesicdomes

Last updated 1 year ago

Sean · @defulmere
94 followers · 460 posts · Server
BigD · @BigD
17 followers · 100 posts · Server

I don't think I've introduced me. So.
Have been Farming deer, dairy, sheep,etc.
Building houses, sheds, tunnel domes
Musician guitar, harp,voice. Compose my own using a DAW. Experimental, classical, Electronic, anything
Theatre ,Movie scoring
Wine, rum, beer if it's Guinness
Local and national politics(NZ)
Engage in discussion about climate change. Nonsceptic

#theatre #design #geodesicdomes #midi #nzpol #wine #guiness #climate #forsale #music

Last updated 2 years ago

Boduos · @N3m0
78 followers · 484 posts · Server

Frage an alle und#openhardware Enthusiasten, and die und die

Wie organisiert man am besten ein OpenSource Projekt das nicht im IT und Elektronik-Hardware Bereich verortet ist?

Ich dachte dabei an und

Es macht schliesslich keinen Sinn das Rad immer neu zu erfinden und definitiv mehr Sinn mit breiter Intelligenzia bereitzustellen damit jede.r eigenmächtig mit sowas arbeiten kann.

Gerne auch weiterteilen.

#opensource #Fabber #Maker #geodesicdomes #urbanFarms #verticalfarms #creativecommons

Last updated 2 years ago