#PlaneAlert ICAO: #343517 Tail: #ECLJN Flt: #ICC02
Owner: #InstitutoCartograficodeCatalunya
Aircraft: #B200GT Super King Air
2023/08/18 12:00:17
#BE20 #Geodesy #AerialCartography #SpacialData https://www.icgc.cat/
#planealert #ecljn #icc02 #institutocartograficodecatalunya #b200gt #be20 #geodesy #aerialcartography #spacialdata
In 1798, Henry Cavendish carefully rebuilt John Michell's torsion balance to measure the density of the earth. #Poetry #Science #History #Geodesy #Cavendish (https://sharpgiving.com/thebookofscience/items/p1798b.html)
#poetry #science #history #geodesy #cavendish
@rmathematicus I used Picard’s triangulation from Paris to Amiens as the baseline for the practice, through to its disruption by Roy late in the 18c, in my entry on “Geodetic Surveying in the Enlightenment,” in Volume Four of *The History of Cartography*
Now available for free at https://press.uchicago.edu/books/hoc/index.html
French astronomer Jean-Félix Picard who was the first to measure the circumference of the Earth using triangulation, born 21 July 1620. #Geodesy
#PhD students wanted for research into #sealevel, #geodesy #icesheets,
Amazing place to study here in Tasmania @UTAS_ - #1 university in the world for climate action. Background in #math, #physics, #geodesy, #engineering, quantitative Earth sciences all welcome. 1/3
#engineering #physics #math #earthsciences #icesheets #geodesy #sealevel #phd
FWIW yesterday I OK'ed that the public facing part of the #geodesy project can be sunsetted. Nobody was using it, AFAIK. If anybody wants to have a last fast look at the 19th c. minutes of the International Geodetic Ass with a cool search interface, they probably should best do it now: measuring-the-earth.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/. The pdfs of scans will remain available on the MPWIG digital library: https://measuring.earth/minutes. I'll get a dump of the txt files and may set them up elsewhere as a coherent corpus if somebody feels like playing on it with DH tools. Follow #measuringtheearth for updates. #histsci #digitalhumanities #digitalhistory
#geodesy #measuringtheearth #histsci #digitalhumanities #digitalhistory
Multiple National Geodetic Survey (NGS) sessions today at the FIG - International Federation of Surveyors Working Week 2023. NGS Training Coordinator Erika Little presents on new training options, for example the transition from mandatory instructor lead OPUS Projects courses to self-paced online as an option. #surveying #geomatics #geodesy @xyht @GoGeomatics
#surveying #geomatics #geodesy
Fascinating technical session: Reference Frames in Pratice. Moon Geodesy included. FIG - International Federation of Surveyors Working Week 2023. #surveying #mapping #geodesy #geomatics
#surveying #mapping #geodesy #geomatics
Shout out for @Hansen_Nicolaj who just joined #MastodonDK - he of the awesome work @roelof shared last week. Nicolaj world on #Antarctica #Gravity #Geodesy #Satellites + #IceSheet #SurfaceMassBudget with #ClimateModel
#DTUSpace #dkmastodon #ClimateModel #surfacemassbudget #icesheet #satellites #geodesy #gravity #antarctica #mastodonDK
Going to the #EGU23? Here are some #geodesy flavoured events for you to consider https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/g/2023/04/14/geodesy-egu23/
In 1671, Jean Picard surveyed one degree of a meridian arc to calculate the polar radius. #Poetry #Science #History #Kinematics #Geodesy #Picard (https://sharpgiving.com/thebookofscience/items/p1671b.html)
#poetry #science #history #kinematics #geodesy #picard
🥂 Today, Juliane Seifert (State Secretary @bmi) ceremonially opened the United Nations Global Geodetic Centre of Excellence at #UNCampusBonn. We are proud to have contributed to the establishment of the UN-GGCE since the very beginning.
#uncampusbonn #unggim #unggrf #unggce #geodesy
Took some test pictures today for #OpenAthena, using a DJI Mavic 2 Zoom
Results were very good! I'm very excited to release v0.15 of OpenAthena for Android soon
#drones #dronephotography #dronetechnology #aerialphotography #gis #geodesy #dronetechnology
#openathena #drones #dronephotography #dronetechnology #aerialphotography #gis #geodesy
date: 2023-03-21 09:29:19
by: Alqom Geosciences
Apply Link: https://www.alqomgeosciences.in/2023/03/PhD-Positions-in-Marie-Sklodowska-Curie-Doctoral-Network.html
#PhD #PhDposition #phdstudent #MSCA #earthquake #earthquakeforecasting #earthscience #Physics #engineering #appliedmathematics #opportunity #academicjobalerts #seismology #geodesy #geophysics #geology #coding #deeplearning #MachineLearning
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1638110528362123264
#phd #phdPosition #PhDstudent #MSCA #earthquake #earthquakeforecasting #earthscience #physics #engineering #appliedmathematics #opportunity #academicjobalerts #seismology #geodesy #geophysics #geology #coding #deeplearning #machinelearning
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #342087 Tail: #ECIRV
Owner: #InstitutoCartograficodeCatalunya
Aircraft: #Cessna 208 B
2023/03/16 13:40:02
#C208 #Geodesy #AerialCartography #SpacialData https://www.icgc.cat/
#planealert #ecirv #institutocartograficodecatalunya #cessna #c208 #geodesy #aerialcartography #spacialdata
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #343517 Tail: #ECLJN Flt: #ICC02
Owner: #InstitutoCartograficodeCatalunya
Aircraft: #B200GT Super King Air
2023/03/15 12:16:50
#BE20 #Geodesy #AerialCartography #SpacialData https://www.icgc.cat/
#planealert #ecljn #icc02 #institutocartograficodecatalunya #b200gt #be20 #geodesy #aerialcartography #spacialdata
#IPGP is advertising two open teaching and research positions: An assistant professor (#MdC) in the field of #geoscience and #geodesy, and a #professor in fundamental or applied geoscience. The deadline is March 3.
If you are in the #PlanetarySciences and would like to apply, please contact us in advance!
#planetarysciences #professor #geodesy #geoscience #mdc #IPGP
In 1671, Jean Richer was the first to observe that earth’s gravity was not uniform. Isaac Newton later drew the obvious conclusion. #Poetry #Kinematics #Geodesy #Gravity #Newton #Richer #Gravimetry (https://sharpgiving.com/thebookofscience/items/p1671c.html)
#poetry #kinematics #geodesy #gravity #newton #richer #gravimetry
In 1671, Jean Picard surveyed one degree of a meridian arc to calculate the polar radius.#History #Poetry #Kinematics #Geodesy #Earth #PolarRadius (https://sharpgiving.com/thebookofscience/items/p1671b.html)
#history #poetry #kinematics #geodesy #earth #polarradius
The core code of #OpenAthena for Android is under 600 lines of Java, in two files.
Its simplicity is designed to give confidence to #UAS operators in their given domain.
#drone #dronephotography #gis #geodesy #defense #defensetechnology #searchandrescue #sUAS #opensource
#openathena #uas #drone #dronephotography #gis #geodesy #defense #defensetechnology #searchandrescue #sUAS #opensource