Eos - Education Lies Beneath the Clouds of Earth Observation
https://eos.org/editor-highlights/education-lies-beneath-the-clouds-of-earth-observation <-- shared technical article
https://doi.org/10.1029/2023AV000894 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #gischat #remotesensing #satellite #earthobservation #cloudcomputing #cloudstorage #education #EO #learning #teachingmethods #opensource #ethics #public #geoethics #stakeholders #social #cultural #environmental #publichealth #climatechange #usecases #appliedscience #global #changes #earth #datasources #opendata #usercommunity #students #scientists #educators #researchers #contributions
#gis #spatial #mapping #gischat #remotesensing #satellite #earthobservation #cloudcomputing #cloudstorage #education #eo #learning #teachingmethods #opensource #ethics #public #geoethics #stakeholders #social #cultural #environmental #publichealth #climatechange #usecases #appliedscience #global #changes #earth #datasources #opendata #usercommunity #students #scientists #educators #researchers #contributions
#Geoethics teaching resources from the Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College.
#K12 #educationresources #classroom #science #teaching #geoethics
Abortion Clinics And Misleading Google Maps [geoethics]
https://ethicalgeo.org/abortion-clinics-and-misleading-google-maps/ <-- shared GeoEthics article
https://www.businessinsider.com/google-maps-searches-abortion-services-trigger-abortion-fake-clincs-2022-6 <-- shared media article
“[A] new analysis by Bloomberg has found the [Google Maps] platform routinely misleads people searching for abortion providers and clinics. When users search the words “abortion clinic” in Google Maps, nearly a quarter of the top 10 search results, on average and across all 50 states including Washington D.C., belong to crisis pregnancy centers. Crisis pregnancy centers, or CPCs, are a type of non-medical organizations with a mission to encourage women to go through with their unwanted pregnancies…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Google #GoogleMaps #inaccurate #false #ethics #geoethics #ethicsmatters #ethicalbusiness #ethicsmatters #ethicalresearch #maps #abortion #abortionclinics #accessibility #CPC #reproductivehealth #searchengines #reproductivemedicine #womanhealth #publichealth #publicsafety #people #share #medical
#gis #spatial #mapping #google #googlemaps #inaccurate #false #ethics #geoethics #ethicsmatters #ethicalbusiness #ethicalresearch #Maps #abortion #abortionclinics #accessibility #CPC #reproductivehealth #searchengines #reproductivemedicine #womanhealth #publichealth #publicsafety #people #share #medical
Our volunteer Bärbel Winkler filed her daily report from the 2023 AGU General Assembly.
The post includes a laundry list of nuances and subtleties in communicating science to the general public in contexts fraught with hazard, risk and public policy implications, from the session "Beyond SciComm 101: what is meaningful & ethical communication when it comes to the climate crisis?"
Shouting loudly is a bit too simple? It seems so.
#geoethics #climatecommunication
In her usual mode of wearing many hats, our volunteer Bärbel Winkler reports in from EGU General Assembly 2023, where yesterday she and co-volunteer John Mason presented "Adding plain language summaries to rebuttals on Skeptical Science" as part of the all-day workshop "Science and Society: Science Communication Practice, Research, and Reflection."
A wealth of experience and case examples for science communicators in the abstracts alone. Click and learn!
#Geoethics. "The values and professional standards required of geoscientists to responsibly work in the profession and in service to society."
Here are several resources for #teachers and #students to prompt discussions about #ethics in the #geosciences.
Part of the Science Education Resource Center, a grant-funded office at #Carleton College
#K12 #science #pedagogy #EnvironmentalScience #carleton #geosciences #ethics #students #teachers #geoethics
Want to listen to a political poem about protecting fossils from corporate interests? Here ya go:
#poetry #writing #audio #geoethics #FouldenMaar #NZ
#poetry #writing #audio #geoethics #fouldenmaar #nz
taking a deep dive next year into timber tramlines, flourishing revegetation, geological specimens, #extractivism and representations of the nonhuman in the Museum of the Goldfields collection on a Art on the move Activating Collections Artist Residencies 2022. The residency will take place in Kalgoorlie-Boulder/Karlkurla on unceded Wangkathaa land. Many thanks to Art on the move and Museum of the Goldfields for making this happen. Couldn't have been better timing to get this amazing opportunity. So glad to be back in the studio and back in the field
#altphoto #altprocess #alternativephotography #experimentalfilm #experimentalphotography #artistinresidence #curtinuni #kalgoorliecampus #rocklove #colonialism #geohum #envhum #geoethics #wangkathaacountry #ecoart #environmentalart
#extractivism #altphoto #altprocess #alternativephotography #experimentalfilm #experimentalphotography #artistinresidence #curtinuni #kalgoorliecampus #rocklove #colonialism #geohum #envhum #geoethics #wangkathaacountry #ecoart #environmentalart
Are you planning to attend #EGU23 in Vienna or virtually in April?
Please consider contributing to the #climate / #ocean #education and #geoethics sessions at the next EGU conference, in April 2023 to present on Climate & ocean education (literacy) at EGU2023.
Please also forward to colleagues. Thanks!
#geoethics #education #ocean #Climate #EGU23