«Advancements around #ArtificialIntelligence technology are pushing the world into “a period of huge uncertainty,” according to #AI pioneer #GeoffreyHinton. As the technology becomes smarter, the “godfather of AI” is highlighting six harms it may pose to humans.
While speaking at this year’s Collision tech conference in #Toronto Wednesday, Hinton explained that some of the danger around using AI stems from the possibility that it may develop a desire to control others.»
#artificialintelligence #ai #geoffreyhinton #toronto
#GeoffreyHinton, one of the so-called godfathers of #ArtificialIntelligence, urged governments to step in and make sure that machines do not take control of society.
https://trib.al/vhb4Bjd #press
#geoffreyhinton #artificialintelligence #press
@emilymbender Graduate students who do research in #chemistry writ large develop skills that can lead to ALL SORTS of careers!
#GeoffreyHinton #MargaretThatcher #AngelaMerkel
#chemistry #geoffreyhinton #margaretthatcher #AngelaMerkel
"So gefährlich wie Pandemien und Atomkrieg": Nächste Warnung aus KI-Branche
Hunderte namhafte Personen aus der KI-Forschung und der KI-Industrie warnen in einem kurzen, aber eindringlichen Statement vor den Risiken ihrer Arbeit.
#Atomwaffen #ChatGPT #GeoffreyHinton #KünstlicheIntelligenz #OpenAI #Pandemie
#verpasstodon #atomwaffen #chatgpt #geoffreyhinton #kunstlicheintelligenz #openai #pandemie
Diese Woche war das hier besonders aufsehenerregend. Eine drastische Warnung vor #KI von denen, die daran arbeiten. Aber es ist halt wieder nichts Konkretes. Was soll man denn nun daraus machen? Haben die zu viel #ScienceFiction gelesen, fallen die auf ihren Hype rein oder müssen wir uns wirklich Sorgen machen?
"So gefährlich wie Pandemien und Atomkrieg": Nächste Warnung aus KI-Branche
#Atomwaffen #ChatGPT #GeoffreyHinton #KünstlicheIntelligenz #OpenAI #Pandemie
#ki #sciencefiction #atomwaffen #chatgpt #geoffreyhinton #kunstlicheintelligenz #openai #pandemie
#YoshuaBengio whose Twitter account was recently suspended about how rogue AIs may arise. He joins #GeoffreyHinton and other critics who warn about large language models. It is true that every powerful new technology has its drawbacks - cars can be turned into tanks, ships into warships, and nuclear power plants lead to nuclear weapons. What will large language models bring and other AI systems bring?
@davidho #NPR had the same warning:
Leading experts warn of a risk of #extinction from #AI
I for one am happy the media is catching on.
"I thought for a long time that we were, like, 30 to 50 years away from that. ... Now, I think we may be much closer, maybe only five years away from that," #GeoffreyHinton stated.
I find comfort in the media's attention span being a little more on target. For months the media and universities alike were glowing over AI.
#npr #extinction #ai #geoffreyhinton
KI-Technologie: Globale Führungskräfte warnen vor existenziellen Gefahren
Weltweit führende Unternehmen der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) machen auf die zunehmenden Risiken der schnell fortschreitenden Techno
#BlickberDenTellerand #News #Auslschungsrisiko #Skeptiker #HypothetischeGefahren #DeepMind #Anthropic #AISafety #Google #GeoffreyHinton #KI #Technologie #OpenAI #Risiko
#blickberdentellerand #News #auslschungsrisiko #Skeptiker #hypothetischegefahren #deepmind #anthropic #aisafety #google #geoffreyhinton #ki #technologie #openai #risiko
AI as dangerous as nukes, experts say in new warning :
Worries about artificial intelligence systems outsmarting humans and running wild have intensifie
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #chatbot #ChatGPT #computer #ElonMusk #EuropeanUnion #GeoffreyHinton #SamAltman
#ai #artificialintelligence #chatbot #chatgpt #computer #elonmusk #EuropeanUnion #geoffreyhinton #samaltman
Enquanto o chamado mundo ocidental se reconcilia com as implicações da inteligência artificial avançada, os Comitês de Resistência no Sudão ficam presos entre duas facções em guerra. Além disso, as tensões aumentam sobre o destino de dois apartamentos em um bairro chique de Barcelona.
#InteligênciaArtificial #Sudão #Darfur #ComitêDeResistência #Barcelona
#Bonanova #Sareb #Squat #Okupa #OkupaYResiste #Success #Business
#Crypto #FastandFuriousX #Tesla #TuckerCarlson #GeoffreyHinton
#Skynet #ChatGPT #Dalle #Midjourney #Noticias
#NotíciasAnarquistas #Anarquia
#inteligenciaartificial #sudao #Darfur #comitederesistencia #barcelona #bonanova #sareb #squat #okupa #okupayresiste #success #business #crypto #fastandfuriousx #tesla #tuckercarlson #geoffreyhinton #skynet #chatgpt #dalle #midjourney #noticias #noticiasanarquistas #Anarquia
#GeoffreyHinton, an #AI pioneer and one of the “godfathers of AI”, has joined a group of tech leaders expressing concern about the potential dangers of AI
https://www.hindustantimes.com/technology/artificial-intelligence-can-pose-more-urgent-threat-than-climate-change-geoffrey-hinton-101683363717297.html #press
#GeoffreyHinton, an #AI pioneer and one of the “godfathers of AI”, has joined a group of tech leaders expressing concern about the potential dangers of AI
https://www.hindustantimes.com/technology/artificial-intelligence-can-pose-more-urgent-threat-than-climate-change-geoffrey-hinton-101683363717297.html #press
Artificial intelligence could pose a "more urgent" threat to humanity than climate change, #AI pioneer #GeoffreyHinton told Reuters in an interview
https://trib.al/0gQz5uJ #press
#Google senior software engineer, 31, jumps to his death from #NYC headquarters
A senior software engineer at Google jumped to his death from the search giant’s headquarters in Chelsea late Thursday, according to authorities and police sources.
The employee’s death comes months after Jacob Pratt, a 33-year-old Google employee who also worked at the Manhattan headquarters, was found dead of an apparent suicide.
#google #nyc #jacobpratt #geoffreyhinton #lockhartvmedia
Fun Fact: #GeoffreyHinton did his doctoral research in #AI at the University of Edinburgh under the supervision of polymath and pioneer in #TheoreticalChemistry and Computational #Chemistry Christopher Longuet-Higgins, formerly on the faculty at #CambridgeUniversity where he collaborated with John Pople. 👉 http://www.quantum-chemistry-history.com/Lo-Hi2Ue.htm
#geoffreyhinton #ai #theoreticalchemistry #chemistry #CambridgeUniversity
आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस किस तरह आने वाले समय में दुनिया को बदल देगा?
‘Godfather of #AI’ #GeoffreyHinton quits #Google and warns over dangers of misinformation | #TheGuardian https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/may/02/geoffrey-hinton-godfather-of-ai-quits-google-warns-dangers-of-machine-learning
#ai #geoffreyhinton #google #theguardian
My humble opinion after Geoffrey Hinton resignment from Google
People are the center, not AI
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #ChatGPT #Bard #GPT4 #OpenAI #Microsoft #Google #GeoffreyHinton
#AI #artificialintelligence #chatgpt #bard #gpt4 #openai #microsoft #google #geoffreyhinton
‘Godfather of AI’ Geoffrey Hinton Exits Role at Google to Warn of Technology’s Dangers
Check it out! 👇
#Google #GeoffreyHinton #ArtificialIntelligence #Ai #Tech #Business
#google #geoffreyhinton #artificialintelligence #ai #tech #business
The inexorable rise of #artificialintelligence has been emphasised with the resignation of #Godfather of #AI #GeoffreyHinton from #Google - who expressed some regret for his work and anxiety for the future. In solidarity, I tried out an online AI content generator. Read more here for the results: 👉 https://www.climateblog.uk/index.html#GeoffHintonQuitsGoogle
#artificialintelligence #godfather #ai #geoffreyhinton #google