Listening to the first #NoDevotion album this morning, and I am reminded just how damn good it is. Grateful that my favorite track (Addition) got a proper video treatment.
#NowPlaying #PostPunk #PostHardCore #ThursdayBand #GeoffRickly #Permanence
#permanence #geoffrickly #thursdayband #posthardcore #postpunk #NowPlaying #nodevotion
Less than twenty pages into Geoff Rickly’s new book and it hits me—he hasn’t been writing lyrics all these years, he’s been writing short stories that just happen to coexist with the sound of music.
#geoffrickly #nodevotion #thursdayband
This popped up on my YouTube feed today... RIP Andy Rourke.
#TheSmiths #AndyRourke #ThisCharmingMan #GeoffRickly #ThursdayBand
#thursdayband #geoffrickly #thischarmingman #andyrourke #TheSmiths
I support independent publishers and authors, and I vote.
#geoffrickly #rosebooks #thursdayband
Pre-ordered a signed, hard-cover version of SOMEONE WHO ISN’T ME by Geoff Rickly. Been a fan of his musical work for two decades, so I'm really looking forward to his (first) novel.
#rosebooks #geoffrickly #posthardcore #emo #thursdayband
Really hope that No Devotion can bounce back from this. No Oblivion was my pick for 2022 Album Of The Year.
#NoDevotion #NoOblivion #GeoffRickly
#geoffrickly #nooblivion #nodevotion