Great that our #GEOFON service is now here too., just in time for #IUGG23 in #berlin. Thanks
#seismology #berlin #iugg23 #geofon
It's a stretch to call an #earthquake in Türkiye/Syria unexpected.
Thanks for the map, #GSHAP and #geofon.
Ein paar tiefe Schallwellen für euch. Unglaublich dieses Brummen, ich schneide das heute noch zusammen. #niedersachsen #podcast #geofon #lomaudio
#lomaudio #geofon #podcast #niedersachsen
Cool. Ordered LOM's Geofon.
That should make nice subsonic bassdrum samples. Or so. After all i am planning to record the infra sound of my old wooden floors moving upon the partly massive traffic passing by 4 floors down.
#geofon #lom #contactmicrophone #contactmic #subsonic #infrasound
#infrasound #subsonic #contactmic #contactmicrophone #lom #geofon