David Salazar: "It is funny that people turn the map vertically sometimes to “see it properly”". Totally me. #geohipster
Geohipster - Maps of the Calendar September Edition https://www.geohipster.com/2023/09/01/maps-and-mappers-of-the-2023-calendar-david-salazar-september/ #cartography #geohipster #andes
#cartography #geohipster #andes
Posting this a day early because of secret reasons. The September page of the 2023 #geohipster calendar features a map of the Andes Highway. Don't forget to turn the page.
Great "Where Are They Now?" #geohipster interview with Antonio Locandro by @rjhale1971 . Antonio is wise beyond his years. I wonder what's the story behind the "FLYGHT7" name.
Where is Antonio Locandro (besides not on Mastodon) - An Update from Geohipster https://www.geohipster.com/2023/08/23/where-are-they-now-antonio-locandro/ #geohipster #geo #foss4g #honduras
#geohipster #geo #foss4g #honduras
Everybody knows that the bikes on top of your car should be worth more than the car (RULE #25, google "velominati").
Thanks to #geohipster , I know that Diane Fritz is in compliance.
Geohipster interviews @geofritz. "I need to confess up front that I’m one of those people that spends more money on her bikes than on her vehicles." https://www.geohipster.com/2023/08/09/diane-fritz-what-can-the-mapping-community-collectively-do-to-help-the-conversation-about-tackling-man-made-global-warming/ #geohipster #climatechange #boulder #colorado #openstreetmap
#geohipster #climatechange #boulder #colorado #openstreetmap
If you are a flat earther you're def not gonna like the August page of the 2023 #GeoHipster
calendar. Just saying.
If you ever need help with wordpress -> https://wickedmoonwebs.com/ . She went way above and beyond helping me fix everything. I still have more fixes - but this makes it easier. #geohipster
So geohipster got a refresh over the weekend. The old wordpress theme was starting to break so with the help of Wicked Moon Webs we did a refresh to shake things up a bit. I've got 5 interviews out and hopefully one of them finishes shortly. https://www.geohipster.com #geohipster #gischat
I'm running behind - I may get this all "righted" for July - But - Maps and Mappers of the Geohipster Calendar for June 2023 - https://www.geohipster.com/2023/07/05/maps-and-mappers-of-the-2023-calendar-barbara-kent-june/ #geohipster #cartography
Some maps leave out #newzealand . Others (to compensate?) leave out the rest of the world. #geohipster #calendar
#newzealand #geohipster #calendar
Maps and Mappers of the 2013 Geohipster Calendar: Adam Steer https://www.geohipster.com/2023/06/16/maps-and-mappers-of-the-2023-calendar-adam-steer/ #geohipster #cartography #qgis
#geohipster #cartography #qgis
Geohipster talks to
Mamata Akella about Felt - The toolbox to build and design maps for the web is ever-changing:
https://www.geohipster.com/2023/06/15/the-toolbox-to-build-and-design-maps-for-the-web-is-ever-changing/ #geohipster #felt #gis #cartography
#geohipster #felt #gis #cartography
In what I hope will be the first of many, @rjhale1971 visits with past #GeoHipster interviewee Maggie Calley five years later.
@rjhale1971 Awesome! Way to go Maggie, Randy, #OSM, and #GeoHipster ! More of these!!!
I bet you didn't know that today is National Donut Day in the US. I wouldn't have known, either, were it not for the ever-so-accurate, informative, aesthetically-pleasing, and cartographically-innovative #geohipster calendar. Have a 🍩!
I guess I'm going to slowly transition the geohipster twitter account over here - BUT - in the meantime - Read up on Bigfoot and UFO's for the March Calendar https://www.geohipster.com/2023/04/27/maps-and-mappers-of-the-2032-calendar-kate-berg-march/ #gis #geohipster #calendar #maps
#gis #geohipster #calendar #maps